
getIniFileName(): String;

The getIniFileName method of the Application class returns the full path and file name of the Jade initialization file; for example:


The name of the Jade initialization file is returned in the form that it was entered on the command line. If no initialization file name was specified, Jade looks for an initialization file with a filename jade.ini in the default location and either finds the file or creates it.

The name and full path of that default initialization file is returned with forward slash characters (for example, c:/jade/system/jade.ini).

In Jade thin client mode, this method retrieves the initialization file from the presentation client. (Use the Application class getIniFileNameAppServer method to retrieve the file from the application server or process.getIniFileName to retrieve the file associated with the process of the receiver.)

If you create a shortcut that has the newcopy parameter set to false and you specify a different Jade initialization file from the one with which the node was started, the active Jade initialization file is the one that was specified when the node started up and not the one specified in the newcopy=false shortcut.

Calling the getIniFileName method in the new application enables you to get the name of the initialization file that was used when the node started up.