Interpreting Exceptions

Each Exception class provides the properties listed in the following table, to enable you to interpret exceptions.

Property Type Description
category Integer Categorizes exceptions within the UserException class
continuable Boolean Specifies if execution can be continued after the exception has been handled
currentMethodDesc MethodCallDesc Reference to a MethodCallDesc object describing the method that caused the exception
errorCode Integer Uniquely identifies the exception
errorItem String Additional information about the exception and displayed in the default exception dialog as error item
extendedErrorText String Extended error description for exception instances recorded by any service that raises exceptions
helpBook String Windows help file containing the explanation of the exception and opened when you click the Help button in the default exception dialog
kind Character Specifies the kind of exception that was raised (raised by the caller or the receiver)
level Integer Level number of the exception and automatically incremented for each nested exception
remoteErrorCode Integer Identifies an exception that occurred while executing a method on another node
reportingMethodDesc MethodCallDesc Reference to a MethodCallDesc instance that describes the method that reported or raised the exception
resumable Boolean Displayed in the default exception dialog as Resumable: Yes when set to true, to indicate that it is valid to resume execution after handling the exception

The methods provided by the Exception class are listed in the following table.

Method Description
createSOAPMessage Returns a string representing a SOAP fault message
debug Displays current process stack information and enables you to inspect variables
defaultHandler Calls the showDialog method to display the default exception dialog
errorObject Returns the object reference in error
initializationHandler Placeholder for a user-defined exception handler for use during the Jade initialization process
logExceptionHistory Logs the exception stack history of each nested exception
logProcessHistory Logs the call stack history
logSelf Appends a description of the exception object to a file
setErrorObject Saves a reference to the error object in the exception instance
showDialog Displays the default exception dialog
text Returns the error text from the jadmsgs.eng file or other language file that corresponds to the errorCode number

The ConnectionException class defines the behavior of exceptions that occur as a result of connecting to external systems and provides the properties listed in the following table.

Property Type Description
connection Connection Contains a reference to the connection object that caused the exception
dataBuffer Binary Contains the data that the user was trying to send when the exception was raised

The DeadlockException class defines the behavior of exceptions that occur as a result of deadlocks and provides the properties listed in the following table.

Property Type Description
lockDuration Integer Contains the duration of the lock
lockTimeout Integer Contains the timeout period of the lock
lockType Integer Contains the type of the lock
targetLockedBy Process Contains the process that locked the object

The DeadlockException class also provides the methods listed in the following table.

Method Returns …
lockTarget The target object of the deadlock
obtainedLock A reference to an object over which this process has obtained a lock

The FileException class defines the behavior of exceptions that occur as a result of file handling and provides the methods listed in the following table.

Method Returns an instance of the …
file File or FileFolder class that was being used when the exception was raised
fileNode FileNode class that was being used when the file exception was raised

The LockException class defines the behavior of exceptions raised as a result of locking conflicts, and defines the additional properties listed in the following table.

Property Type Description
lockDuration Integer Corresponds to one of the lock durations in the LockDurations global constant category in the RootSchema
lockTimeout Integer Contains the timeout period of the lock
lockType Integer Corresponds to one of the lock types in the Locks global constant category in the RootSchema
retryCount Integer Contains the number of lock retries that were encountered
targetLockedBy Process Contains the process that locked the object

The methods provided by the LockException class are listed in the following table.

Method Description
lockTarget Returns the target object of the lock
retryLock Retries the lock in a multiuser application, increments the retry count, and returns true if the lock was obtained
showDialog Displays the default lock exception dialog

The NotificationException class defines the behavior of exceptions that occur as a result of notification events when the subscriber cannot be found and provides the method listed in the following table.

Method Description
notificationTarget Returns the reference to the target for the notification whose subscriber was not found

The ODBCException class defines the behavior of exceptions that occur as a result of ODBC communications and provides the properties listed in the following table.

Property Type Description
nativeError Integer Contains the native data-source-specific error code
state String Five-character ODBC-defined state variable

The ODBCException class also provides the method listed in the following table.

Method Description
showDialog Displays the default exception dialog