Exception Class

The Exception class defines the protocol for raising and responding to exception conditions. The specific kinds of exceptions that can occur are defined by the subclasses of exception, as follows.

In Jade thin client mode, exception dialogs are always displayed on the presentation client. The following is an example of the definition of an exception handler method.

handleException(exObj: Exception): Integer;
    StringTooLong = 1035;
    if exObj.errorCode = StringTooLong then
        app.msgBox("The picture is too large:", "Error", 0);
        return Ex_Abort_Action;
        return Ex_Pass_Back;    // default dialog

For details about the returned values from exceptions and the properties and methods defined in the Exception class, see "Exception Class Return Values", "Exception Properties", and "Exception Methods", in the following subsections. For a list of the global constants that you can use in your exception handlers, if required, see the JadeErrorCodesDatabase, JadeErrorCodesSDS, and JadeErrorCodesWebService global constants categories in Appendix A of the Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types.


FatalError, NormalException