JadeWebServiceConsumer Class

A subclass of the JadeWebServiceConsumer class is created for each web service consumer loaded into Jade. The properties defined in the JadeWebServiceConsumer class are summarized in the following table.

Property Contains the…
characterConversionException Whether a web service response on an ANSI system contains non-ANSI characters
handleCharConversionException Whether an exception is raised on an ANSI system if a web service response contains non-ANSI characters
logStatistics Value that specifies whether web service consumer message statistics are logged
password Web service consumer user authentication password, if required
proxyHostName Host name of the proxy server for the web service consumer, if required
proxyPassword Web service consumer user authentication password for proxy servers, if required
proxyUsername Web service consumer user authentication identifier for proxy servers, if required
soapHeaders List of SOAP headers sent by the web service consumer
soapRequest Outgoing SOAP message sent to the web service provider
soapResponse SOAP message response received from the web service provider
timeout Number of milliseconds after which the web service times out if a response has not been received
unknownHeaders Contains an array of any SOAP headers that were part of the response but could not be processed
userName Web service consumer user authentication identifier, if required
workerApp Name of a worker application configured to process a web service request asynchronously

The methods defined in the JadeWebServiceConsumer class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
addHttpHeader Adds, changes, or removes HTTP headers from a web service consumer request
getEndpointURL Returns the name of the end-point URL to which the web service consumer request is sent
getHttpHeader Returns the value of a specified user-defined HTTP header
getHttpHeaderClient Returns the value of a client HTTP header specified by the value of the key parameter
getHttpHeaderServer Returns the value of a server HTTP header specified by the value of the key parameter
getLastStatistics Returns statistics relating to the last web service consumer SOAP message
getTimeouts Returns the timeout values in milliseconds for connect, send, and receive messages, respectively
invoke Sends the message to your web service provider using your own communication handlers or it dynamically connects to a web service (that is, without using or importing a WSDL file)
invokeAsync Sends the message asynchronously to your web service provider using your own communication handlers or it dynamically connects to a web service (that is, without using or importing a WSDL file)
invokeAsyncWithVerb Sends the message and the specified verb asynchronously to your web service provider using your own communication handlers or it dynamically connects to a web service (that is, without using or importing a WSDL file)
invokeWithVerb Sends the message and the specified verb to your web service provider using your own communication handlers or it dynamically connects to a web service (that is, without using or importing a WSDL file)
processReply Processes the result of a web service request (that is, a SOAP message) and sets up transient objects for further processing by your application
reset Deletes all transient objects created by the web service consumer when making a web service request
sendRequest Sets up the SOAP message for a web service request and sends the message to the web service provider
setEndpointURL Dynamically changes the URL to which the web service request is sent
setTimeouts Sets the timeout values for connect, send, and receive messages, respectively

For details, see "JadeWebServiceConsumer Class", in Chapter 1 of the Encyclopaedia of Classes.