
invokeAsync(inputMessage: String): JadeMethodContext updating;

The invokeAsync method of the JadeWebServiceConsumer class sends the SOAP-formatted message specified in the inputMessage parameter to the web service and returns an instance of the JadeMethodContext class that handles the asynchronous execution of the web service request and waits for the response from the web service provider (a SOAP message).

The workerApp property must be set to the name of an asynchronous worker application, which must execute the asyncInitialize and asyncFinalize methods of the Application class in the initialize and finalize methods of the application, respectively.

The JadeMethodContext instance can be used as input to the waitForMethods method on the Process class, to enable your code to wait for the completion of the asynchronous execution of the web service and obtain the results.

Reimplement the invokeAsync method in the following situations.