Using the Initiate Recovery Command

Use the Initiate Recovery command from the Operation menu or click the Initiate Recovery toolbar button, to perform a roll‑forward recovery of previously restored offline backup files to the end of the last transaction, to a specific date and time, or to a specific audit record.

You can initiate recovery only when the database is closed; that is, this command is disabled if you have opened the database for update in the current session.

This command enables you to initiate the recovery of a backup that has been restored separately (for example, direct from tape) when you have restored your database to its final production location and then opened the database in the Jade Database utility.

For definitions of the terms recover and restore, see "Recovery Concepts and Strategies", in Chapter 3. For details about archived transaction journals, see "Database Archiving Modes", in Chapter 3.

To initiate a roll-forward recovery

  1. Select the Initiate Recovery command from the Operation menu or click the Initiate Recovery toolbar button.

    The Initiate Recovery dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. In the Recovery Options group box, select the type of roll‑forward recovery that you require. The Recover transactions to end of last journal option is selected by default.

    If you want to perform a roll‑forward recovery:

    • Up to and including a specific transaction journal, select the Recover transactions to end of journal option button.

    • To a specific date and time, select the Recover transactions up to date and time option button.

    • Up to and including a specific audit record, select the Recover transactions to audit serial number option button.

  3. If you selected the option to recover to the end of a specific journal, in the corresponding text box, specify the number of the last journal up to which you want to recover; for example, 9 (if you want to recover transaction journal files up to and including db0000000009.log).

  4. If you selected the option to recover transactions up to a specified date and time in step 2 of this instruction, specify the required end-date and end-time in the text boxes, in the following formats:


    Your roll‑forward recovery applies to all committed transactions up to the specified date and time. Any transactions that completed after the specified date and time are not reapplied.

  5. If you selected the option to recover transactions up to and including a specified audit record, specify the required audit record serial number.

    Your roll‑forward recovery applies all committed transactions until the audit record serial number is greater than the termination serial number.

  6. If you want the database recovery mechanism that restores a backed up SDS system to clear the SDS role of that database during the restore process, check the Clear SDS role check box.

    When this check box is checked, the database role is set to undefined and a new database identifier is generated at the end of the roll‑forward recovery.

    If the open database does not have an SDS role, the Clear SDS role check box is disabled.

    If this check box is unchecked, attempts to perform a roll-forward recovery of a backup of an SDS secondary system with termination conditions are disallowed.

  7. Click the OK button to confirm your selection. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selection.

While roll-forward recovery is running, a progress dialog is displayed that enables you to monitor the progress of the operation. You can abort the recovery, by clicking the Cancel button.

At the end of processing the available transaction journals, the Roll Forward Recovery – Wait For Journal dialog may be displayed. If no more journal files are to be provided for roll‑forward recovery, select the Finish button in the Roll Forward Recovery – Wait For Journal dialog. For more details, see "Roll-Forward Recovery of a Standby Database", in Chapter 3.

At the end of the roll-forward recovery operation, the progress dialog is closed and the following message is displayed in the running report.

<<Database recovery complete>>

Information or errors from the roll‑forward recovery operation are recorded in the recovery.log file, located in the default database directory. (To view the log, select the recovery.log submenu from the View menu View Logs command. For details, see "Viewing Log Files", later in this chapter.) For details about roll-forward recovery restrictions, see "Roll-Forward Recovery Restrictions", in Chapter 3.

If any errors are encountered during the roll-forward recovery operation or you abort the recovery, you may not be able to use the database. To perform this operation, the Jade Database utility requires exclusive access to the database. If you select a Jade database that is already in use by another application, an error is reported.