Database Archiving Modes

Use the EnableArchivalRecovery parameter of the [PersistentDb] section of the Jade initialization file to enable or disable archival recovery. By default, archival recovery is enabled. The default value of enabled (true) is the recommended value for productions systems. For non-critical systems, where transaction loss is acceptable, you can opt out of the ability to do archival recovery by setting the value of this parameter to false.

When you set this parameter to false and you perform an online backup, only the online transaction journals in the \current subdirectory are maintained. Any historical journal information is automatically deleted. This mode supports automatic restart recovery only, as only the most recent changes made to the database, stored in the online transaction journals, are available for recovery.

When archival recovery is enabled, archived (or offline) transaction journals are retained. For details, see the JournalArchiveDirectory and JournalCloseAction parameters under "Persistent Database Initialization Section [PersistentDb]", in the Jade Initialization File Reference.