Extracting a Patch Version

Use the Patch menu Extract Patch command from the Jade Installation Preferences dialog to extract all entities (schema formats, classes, methods, functions, properties, constants, and so on) that have patch version changes made by all developers to a selected schema. You can also specify the removal of that patch version history.

You cannot extract a patch version for a schema unless global patch versioning is enabled for your Jade Platform development environment. (For details, see "Enabling or Disabling Patch Versioning", earlier in this chapter.)

You can also remove patch history information that is older than a specified number of days, was created on or before a specified date, or to meet specific schema and patch version number criteria. (For details, see "Removing a Patch History of Changes", later in this chapter.)

When you extract all entities for a patch history, the latest version of the entity is always extracted.

As a patch extract extracts only what is defined in the patch, if a translatable string defined in an HTML document is not defined in a patch, it is not extracted with that patch.

A patch extract that has properties defined as having inverses are extracted as are the corresponding inverse definition. An inverse property that has not been updated in an extracted patch version is not extracted, and a compile error occurs when the extracted patch version is loaded into a target system in which that property is not defined.

The patch version defaults to the current number. The extract process extracts only the latest version of changes. If several changes were made in the selected patch version, all changes other than the current (most recent) change is then lost when you set a new patch version number, although a summary of patch version information (that information displayed in the browser status line) is retained.

For details about using non-GUI client applications to automate the extraction of patch numbers, see "Extracting Schemas as a Non-GUI Client Application", in Chapter 10 of the Development Environment User's Guide.

To extract a patch version for a selected schema

The Extract Changes for Patch dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

For details, see "Using the Extract Changes for Patch Dialog", in the following subsection.