Using the Extract Changes for Patch Dialog

The Extract Changes for Patch dialog is displayed when you select the Extract Patch command from the Patch menu in the Jade Installation Preferences dialog, to enable you to extract patch version changes made by all developers to a selected schema. The current Jade system release version is displayed at the top left of the dialog.

For details about extracting a range of patch version changes for a specific user or selected users, see "Specifying Your Change Options", in Chapter 10 of the Development Environment User's Guide. See also "Extracting Changes for a Patch Number", later in this chapter.

To extract a patch version

  1. In the Schema combo box, select the schema whose patch version you want to extract. You can select one schema only.

  2. If your selected schema has subschemas and you also want patch version changes extracted for subschemas, check the Include All Patch Schemas check box. By default, patch version extraction applies only to the schema that you selected in the Schema combo box; that is, you extract patch version changes to each subschema separately.

    The Multi Extract File Name text box is then displayed, instead of the Schema File Name and Forms File Name text boxes.

  3. In the Patch ID list box, select the patch number whose changes you want to extract. You can extract changes to only one patch version at a time. The current patch number is displayed, by default. The current (latest) source change made to a method in the specified patch version is extracted.

  4. To hide the Jade release number in the Patch ID list box, click the hide releases button. The caption of the button then changes to show releases and the Jade version number is no longer displayed.

  5. In the Delta combo box, select the delta whose patch number changes you want to extract if you do not want to extract those checked out to the currently set delta.

    If a delta is currently set, patch number changes are extracted from that delta by default. If no delta is set, the un-checked out versions of the methods are extracted.

    For details about specifying the delta into which loaded methods are checked out, see Loading Schemas using the Schema Load Utility", in the Schema Load User's Guide.

  6. If you want to extract changes to classes only, check the Class Changes Only check box.

    By default, when a class definition is changed by deleting a method, property, or constant, the complete class is extracted. Check this control if you want to ignore the deletions and extract the complete class.

    This check box is unchecked by default, indicating that changes to all schema elements are extracted (for example, changes to methods, external functions, properties, and so on).

  7. In the Schema File Name text box, specify the name and location of the schema file that you want to extract; for example, c:\jade\bin\FaultPch2.scm. If you do not specify a location, the file is extracted to the current directory, with a default file prefix of the schema name and suffix of .scm.

    For ease of identification, you should prefix your schema file name with the first few characters of the schema name followed by the patch version number, and with the appropriate suffix. For example, FaultPtch2.scm differentiates an extracted schema not only from the Faults.scm file but also from changes that might have been extracted from patch version 1 as FaultPtch.scm or FaultPch1.scm.

    An error is raised if you are extracting the schema and you do not enter the name of a file or if an existing file cannot be accessed.

    If you want to extract the schema to an existing file or you are unsure of existing extract file names or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file or location, if required.

  8. In the Forms File Name text box, specify the name and location of the form and data definition file that you want to extract; for example, c:\jade\bin\FaultPch2.ddx.

    If you do not specify a location, the file is extracted to the current directory, with a default file prefix of the schema name and a suffix of .ddb or .ddx, depending on the value of the Extract as DDX (xml format) instead of DDB check box on the Source sheet of the Preferences dialog.

    For ease of identification, you should prefix your forms file name with the first few characters of the schema name followed by the patch version number, and with a suffix of .ddb or .ddx. For example, FaultPtch2.ddx differentiates an extracted schema not only from the Faults.ddx file but also from changes that might have been extracted from patch version 1 as FaultPtch.ddx or FaultPch1.ddx.

    An error is raised if you are extracting the forms and you do not enter the name of a file, or if an existing file cannot be accessed.

    If you want to extract the forms to an existing file or you are unsure of existing extract file names or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file or location, if required.

    If the Forms/Mappings as XML (ddx file) check box is unchecked, this text box is named DDB File Name and the file suffix is .ddb.

  9. If you checked the Include All Patch Schemas check box and you do not want the schema and subschemas patch version file extracted to the current working directory with a default file prefix of the schema name and suffix of .mul, specify the name and location of the patch version file that you want to extract (for example, c:\jade\patch3\MyPatch.mul) in the Multi Extract File Name text box.

    The schema and each subschema are extracted to a separate pair of .scm and .ddb or .ddx files. The multiple extract file itself contains merely a list of these file names.

    For ease of identification if your file path does not indicate the specific patch number, you should prefix your extract file name with an identifiable name, possibly the first few characters of the schema name followed by the current patch version number.

    If you want to extract the schemas and forms to an existing file or you are unsure of existing extract file names or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file or location, if required.

  10. If you want to extract form and data definitions in the legacy DDB format instead of the XML DDX format, uncheck the Forms/Mappings as XML (ddx file) check box. The value of this check box defaults to the value of the Extract as DDX (xml format) instead of DDB check box on the Source Management sheet of the Preferences dialog. By default, this check box is checked; that is, schemas are extracted as .ddx files.

  11. Check the UTF‑8 Encoding check box if you want the extract file encoded as UTF‑8 with a Byte Order Mark (BOM). If you do not check this check box, the extract file is output in native ANSI or Unicode format.

    The Source Management sheet of the Preferences dialog enables you to specify whether this check box is checked by default.

  12. If you want to encrypt the Jade method source code in your patch number extract file, check the Encrypt Sources check box.

    By default, extracted source code is not encrypted; that is, this check box is unchecked. Source encryption provides security when you release schema extract files, as the source code is not easily visible (for example, when you deploy an application to a third‑party). For details, see "Encrypting Schema Source Files", in Chapter 10 of the Development Environment User's Guide.

    Ensure that you extract the encrypted schema to a location different from that of your source schema. If you subsequently load the encrypted schema (for example, for testing purposes), your method source code is lost if you load it into the same database that contains your original source files, as they are not saved during the decryption process.

  13. Check the Remove History After Extract check box if you want to remove the patch history for your selected patch version after the source changes have been extracted.

    By default, the patch version history is not removed after extraction. You can therefore still view a summary of changes that were made to a previous patch version even if the changes have been overridden by subsequent changes.

    You can recreate a patch version history that you have removed, if you later want to see a summary of changes made in that patch version. For details, see "Recreating a History of Patch Version Changes", later in this chapter.

  14. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

Your selected patch version changes are then extracted and the change history for that patch removed, if applicable.

For details about extracting changes for a range of criteria (users, versions, and dates), see "Specifying Your Change Options", in Chapter 10 of the Development Environment User's Guide.

Only the changes made in a schema for the specified patch version are extracted, and not the whole schema.