JadeDatabaseAdmin Methods

The methods defined in the JadeDatabaseAdmin class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
abortBackup Terminates an online backup transaction
backupAllDbFiles Backs up all database files to a common directory
backupDbFiles Backs up selected file kinds to a common directory
backupJournal Copies the specified recovery journal file to backup
beginBackup Starts an online backup transaction
changeDbAccessMode Changes the access mode of the database
closeCurrentJournal Closes and releases the current recovery journal file
commitBackup Commits an online backup transaction
commitCoherentBackup Commits an SDS Secondary backup transaction with coherent (commit‑consistent) state
compactDbFiles Compacts the specified files to optimize storage and reduce fragmentation
createRpsDatabase Creates an RPS database for a specified schema and RPS mapping
disableByteProgressEvents Disables operation and progress event notifications for the number of bytes of a file backed up
disableProgressEvents Disables operation and progress event notifications for the percentage of a file backed up
doCheckpoint Causes a database checkpoint operation to be queued to the database worker thread
doQuietpoint Attempts to establish a database quietpoint
enableByteProgressEvents Enables operation and progress event notifications for the number of bytes of a file backed up
enableProgressEvents Enables operation and progress event notifications for the percentage of a file backed up
getAbortJournalNumber Returns the number of the journal containing the Begin Transaction record of the oldest active transaction
getAllDbFiles Populates an array with references to database files
getArchiveJournalDirectory Returns the name of the archive directory for transaction journals
getCreationTimestamp Returns a timestamp containing the date and time the database was created
getCurrentJournalDirectory Returns the current recovery journal file directory
getCurrentJournalName Returns the current recovery journal file name
getCurrentJournalNumber Returns the current recovery journal file number
getCurrentJournalOffset Enables the calculation of amounts and rates of journal output
getDbFiles Populates an array with references to files of selected kinds
getLastCheckpoint Retrieves the journal number and byte offset of the last database checkpoint
getLatestBackupTimestamp Returns the date and time the database was last backed up without error
getLatestFullBackupTimestamp Returns the date and time all files in the database were last backed up without error
getOpenTimestamp Returns the most recent date and time the database was opened
getReasonTrackingStoppedString Returns a string containing a textual description of the SDSStopTrackingCodes global constant reason code
getRpsMappedFiles Populates an array with all database files required for a specified RPS mapping
isArchival Specifies whether archival recovery is enabled for the database
rpsAuditSqlScriptForReplay Writes a journal record containing SQL to be replayed on an RPS node
rpsExtractData Extracts a specified table or all tables, using specified parameter values
rpsExtractDataAll Extracts all tables using specified parameter values

Extracts all tables in a format appropriate for loading into an Azure SQL database from the client side using a bcp script

rpsExtractDataUsingIniOptions Extracts a specified table or all tables using values stored in the [JadeRps] section of the Jade initialization file
rpsGetDatabaseParameters Returns the schema name, RPS mapping name, and the storage mode of the RPS node
rpsStartDataPump Starts the RPS Datapump application on the RPS node
rpsStopDataPump Stops the RPS Datapump application on the RPS node
sdsAuditStopTracking Specifies a number that is returned in the userInfo parameter of your user notification method when an SDS_TrackingStopped event occurs (primary, secondary, or RPS)
sdsDisablePrimaryConnection Disables a connection from the current secondary database to the primary server (secondary or RPS only)
sdsDisablePrimaryConnectionAt Disables a connection from a specified secondary database to the primary server (primary only)
sdsDisableReadAccess Disallows read-only database access to the current secondary database (secondary only)
sdsDisableReadAccessAt Disallows read-only database access at a specified secondary database (primary only)
sdsEnableReadAccess Allows read-only database access to the current secondary database (secondary only)
sdsEnableReadAccessAt Allows read-only database access at a specified secondary database (primary only)
sdsGetDatabaseRole Returns the database role of the current server for the Jade system (primary, secondary, or RPS)
sdsGetDatabaseSubrole Returns the database subrole of the server on which the method is executed
sdsGetMyServerInfo Obtains an array describing the SDS attributes of the system (primary, secondary, or RPS)
sdsGetSecondaryInfo Obtains an array containing the SDS attributes for a specified secondary system (primary only)
sdsGetSecondaryProxies Obtains an array of secondary proxy dynamic objects (primary only)
sdsGetSecondaryProxy Obtains information about a specific secondary proxy dynamic object (primary only)
sdsGetTransactions Obtains an array of transaction dynamic objects on the current secondary system (secondary only)
sdsGetTransactionsAt Obtains an array of transaction dynamic objects on a specified secondary system (primary only)
sdsInitiateHostileTakeover Initiates a hostile take-over by the executing secondary system (secondary only)
sdsInitiateTakeover Initiates a negotiated take-over by a specified secondary server so that it becomes the primary server (primary only)
sdsIsInitialized Returns true if SDS is initialized for the system (primary. secondary, or RPS)
sdsIsRunning Returns true if SDS is running for this system (primary, secondary, or RPS)
sdsReconnectNow Prompts the secondary database to attempt a reconnect to its primary server (secondary or RPS only)
sdsReplayNextJournal Initiates a replay of the next ready journal on a secondary server when journal replay is suspended (secondary or RPS only)
sdsReplayNextJournalAt Initiates a replay of the next ready journal on the specified secondary server when journal replay is suspended (primary only)
sdsResume Resumes replaying journals after tracking has been interrupted (secondary or RPS only)
sdsResumeAt Resumes replaying journals on a specified secondary server when tracking has been interrupted (primary only)
sdsStartService Starts an SDS on the database server of the system (primary only)
sdsStartTracking Starts tracking on the secondary database that calls this method (secondary or RPS only)
sdsStartTrackingAt Starts tracking on a specified secondary database (primary only)
sdsStopService Stops an SDS on the database server of the system (primary only)
sdsStopTracking Stops tracking on the secondary database that calls this method (secondary or RPS only)
sdsStopTrackingAt Stops tracking on a specified secondary database (primary only)
verifyJournal Verifies the consistency of the specified recovery journal file