
sdsGetSecondaryProxies(proxies: JadeDynamicObjectArray input);

The sdsGetSecondaryProxies method of the JadeDatabaseAdmin class, valid only at the primary database system, creates and populates an SDSSecondaryProxy object for each secondary system or RPS node that is currently registered on the executing primary system and returns these secondary or RPS proxy dynamic objects in the proxies parameter.

The SDSSecondaryProxy dynamic object has a JadeDynamicObject class name attribute value of SDSSecondaryProxy and type attribute value of SDS_SecondaryProxyType (2).

The dynamic attributes that are returned are listed in the following table.

Name Type Description
connectionCheckInterval Integer Number of seconds at which the secondary database or RPS node polls the primary to determine reachability via the communication paths, specified in the ConnectionPollInterval parameter in the [SyncDbService] section of the Jade initialization file
connectionState Integer State of the connection to the primary
hostName String Computer name of the secondary or RPS proxy host on the primary
lastErrorCode Integer Number of the last error that occurred
myName String Name of the secondary or RPS proxy on the primary, specified in the MyName parameter in the [SyncDbService] section of the Jade initialization file
nextJournalNumber Integer Next journal the primary sends if the secondary or RPS node is catching up or the next write journal when the secondary or RPS node is mirroring writes from the current journal. It remains valid when the secondary or RPS node is disconnected.
primaryServerName String Name of the primary, specified in the PrimaryServerName parameter in the [SyncDbService] section of the Jade initialization file
subrole Integer Database role
syncMode Integer Mode of journal synchronization, specified in the SyncMode parameter in the [SyncDbService] section of the Jade initialization file
totalSends Interger64 Count of messages sent to the secondary
totalBlocksSent Interger64 Count of journal blocks sent to the secondary (there can be from 1 through 16 blocks per message)
totalBytesSent Interger64 Count of bytes sent to the secondary; that is, the total size of all messages sent
totalUncompressedBytes Interger64 Count of bytes sent to the secondary if compression was disabled
lastRecordSentJournal Interger64 Journal number of the last journal block sent
lastRecordSentOffset Interger64 Byte offset of the last journal block sent

The values of the subrole attribute are represented by one of the SDSDatabaseRoles category global constants listed in the following table.

Global Constant Integer Value
SDS_SubroleNative (native Jade Object Manager database) 1
SDS_SubroleRelational (relational database) 2

The values of the syncMode attribute are represented by one of the SDSSecondaryState category global constants listed in the following table.

Global Constant Integer Value
SDS_BlockWrite 2
SDS_JournalSwitch 1

The caller is responsible for deletion of these transient dynamic objects. Deletion is best achieved by purging the array when the entries have been processed.