Users can define or maintain skins based on the picture files that you provide for each required image only when logic in your runtime application invokes the JadeSkinMaintenance form provided by JADE, as shown in the following example of a
maintainSkin_click(menuItem: MenuItem input) updating; vars form : JadeSkinMaintenance; begin create form; form.showModal; epilog delete form; end;
Before you can define a new skin for your applications, a picture file (for example, a .gif, .png, .bmp, or .jpg) must exist for each of the images that you want to specify.
If you have changed the current skin and not yet saved your changes, you are prompted to confirm whether you want to save or discard your changes before the dialog is cleared or closed. Any changes made to a skin do not affect any current users of that skin. (See also "Selecting a Skin to Use in Runtime Applications".)
The Jade Skin Maintenance dialog maintains the definition of a skin. The dialog displays a folder with a sheet for all of the entities that can be defined and an additional sheet that shows the users of each skin entity. These sheets are as follows.
To add or maintain a skin for the required entity
Click on the appropriate tab to display that sheet. Alternatively, click the Close button or the Esc key to close the form.