The Users of a Skin Entity sheet, shown in the following image, is displayed when you select the Users of a Skin Entity tab in the Jade Skin Maintenance dialog.
The Users of a Skin Entity sheet has a:
Skin Entity List table that lists all defined skin entities. When you select an entry in this table, the List of the users of that skin entity table is populated with all skin entities that reference the entity you selected in the Skin Entity List table.
All Entity Children table that lists all children that are referenced by the selected skin entity.
Show only Unused Entities check box, which when unchecked, displays all defined skin entities in the Skin Entity List.
When checked, the Skin Entity List table contains only skin entities that are not referenced by any other skin entity and the All Entity Children table contains only children that are referenced only by the selected skin entity.
The unused Skin Entity List also includes application skins, as these are have no skin entity references.
Delete button at the lower left, which is enabled only if the selected skin entity is not referenced by any other skin element. (You cannot delete a skin entity until there are no skin entities that reference it.)
Clicking the enabled button shows a confirmation message box. If you click the Yes button, the selected skin entity is deleted (but no referenced children).
Delete with Children button on the lower right, which is enabled only if the selected skin entity is not referenced by any other skin element.
Clicking the enabled button shows a confirmation message box. If you click the Yes button, the selected skin entity is deleted together with all child skin entities that are were referenced only by the selected skin entity or its children.