The properties defined in the Form class are summarized in the following table.
Property | Description |
allMenuItems | Contains an array of all menu items on the form |
allowClose | Contains the status of the Control-Menu Close command |
allowDocking | Controls the type of docking that is allowed by the window |
backBrush | Contains the bitmap to tile the background of the form |
caption | Contains the text displayed in the title bar of the form |
clientHeight | Contains the height of the client area of a form in pixels |
clientWidth | Contains the width of the client area of a form in pixels |
clipControls | Specifies whether the Windows environment creates a clipping region that excludes controls contained by the object |
controlBox | Specifies whether a Control-Menu icon is displayed on a form at run time |
icon | Contains the icon displayed for a form or sheet at run time |
maxButton | Specifies whether a form has a Maximize button |
mdiChild | Specifies whether a form is displayed as an MDI child form inside an MDI form |
mdiClientScrollHorzPos | Contains the horizontal scroll positions of the MDI client windows of a form |
mdiClientScrollVertPos | Contains the vertical scroll positions of the MDI client windows of a form |
mdiFrame | Specifies whether the form is always built as an MDI frame |
minButton | Specifies whether a form has a Minimize button |
minimumHeight | Specifies the minimum height of the form in pixels |
minimumWidth | Specifies the minimum width of the form in pixels |
modalResult | Contains the returned value for the showModal method call in runtime forms that are initiated as modal |
scaleForm | Specifies whether the form and all of its contents are scaled to match the current font scaling attribute |
scrollBars | Specifies whether an object has horizontal or vertical scroll bars |
scrollHorzPos | Contains the position of the horizontal scroll bar |
scrollVertPos | Contains the position of the vertical scroll bar |
secureForm | Specifies whether the form is secure |
topLevelMenuItems | Contains an array of all top‑level menu items on the form |
webBrowserAutoRefreshInterval | Specifies the number of seconds after which the Web page is automatically refreshed |
webBrowserAutoRefreshURL | Specifies a string value containing the URL to invoke when the automatic refresh interval is reached |
webBrowserDisableBackButton | Specifies whether the previous Web page is displayed when the user clicks the Back button |
webEncodingType | Contains the content type used to submit the form to the JADE application |
webFileName | Contains the name of the background image displayed on a Web page |
windowState | Contains the visual state of a form window at run time |
For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.