Type: Integer
Availability: Read or write at run time only
The mdiClientScrollVertPos property of the Form class contains the vertical scroll positions of the MDI client windows of a form. When a form is built as an MDI frame, it also automatically creates a child client window that covers the non-border area of the frame. Child MDI forms are placed inside this client window. (An MDI frame is a special type of form that can contain one or more MDI child forms.)
If an MDI child form does not fit within the bounds of this client window, scroll bars are automatically added to the MDI client window.
The scroll positions are in pixels and are always relative to zero. The scroll range is set automatically by Windows, so that all parts of all child forms scroll into view.
The zero (0) top position is changed by Windows when the MDI client window is scrolled if there is unused space above the forms displayed. The scroll bars are removed if the displayed forms fit within the visible MDI client window.
Windows may adjust any value that is set (rounded to internal increments).
This property can be accessed from both the MDI Frame and any MDI child forms.
Setting a scroll position to a value less than zero (0) results in 0. Setting a value greater than the maximum scroll range value results in the maximum position being selected.