The methods defined in the Process class are summarized in the following table.
Method | Description |
addLockCallStackFilter | Restricts the saving of the lock call stack to instances of the specified class or classes only |
adjustObjectCachePriority | Changes how long an object is to be retained in persistent or transient object cache |
allTransientInstances | Populates the specified array with all non-shared transient instances that have been created by the receiver process and not yet deleted |
allowTransientToPersistentInvs | Enables a transient object to reference a persistent object without its inverse being maintained |
allowTransientToSharedTranInvs | Enables a non-shared transient object to reference a shared transient object without its inverse being maintained |
analyzeTransientFileUsage | Returns a string containing a detailed analysis of the transient database file |
appServerPort | Returns the TCP/IP communications port number of the application server node |
beginMethodProfiling | Starts method profiling for the receiving process |
changeUserCode | Changes the current value of the userCode property |
classAccessFrequenciesStatus | Returns true if at least one process has enabled the counting of accesses to classes |
clearLockCallStackFilter | Clears the list of classes for which saving lock call stack information has been enabled for this process |
compactTransientFile | Defragments the transient database file for the receiving process |
countQueuedNotifications | Returns the number of unprocessed notifications queued for the calling process |
createTransientMethod | Creates an executable transient JADE method |
currentStack | Populates the process stack array with references to method call descriptor objects |
debug | Displays information about your current process stack, and enables you to inspect variables |
deleteTransientMethod | Deletes a transient JADE method |
disableAllTransTraceCallbacks | Disables all transaction trace callbacks for the receiver process |
enableClassAccessFrequencies | Enables or disables the counting of accesses to classes |
enableTransTraceCallback | Enables or disables a specified transaction trace callback for the receiver process |
endMethodProfiling | Stops method profiling for the receiving process |
executeIOScript | Executes a JADE script passing parameters as io (input-output) usage |
executeScript | Executes a JADE script |
executeTransientIOMethod | Executes a transient JADE method passing parameters as io (input-output) usage |
executeTransientMethod | Executes a transient JADE method |
extractRequestStatistics | Extracts local or remote request statistics from notifications sent in response to a sendRequestStatistics method request |
extractWebStatistics | Extracts the performance statistics relating to Web activity from a notification |
finalizePackages | Performs any terminate function common to all schema applications that contain packages |
getAllApps | Populates an array with all applications that are active in the process of the receiver |
getBufferStatistics | Returns cache-related information about a specified object |
getCallStackInfo | Retrieves information about the call stack of the current process |
getCommandLine | Returns a string containing the command line of the receiving node object of the process |
getComputerName | Returns a string containing the computer name of the receiving node object of the process |
getDateTimeDelta | Retrieves the values used to adjust initial date and time local variable values used by the receiving process |
getErrorText | Returns the message text for a JADE-defined error code |
getExceptionHandlerStack | Populates an array with transient objects representing exception handlers armed by the current process |
getIniFileName | Returns a string containing the name and full path of the JADE initialization file of the process |
getJadeHomeDirectory | Returns a string containing the JADE HOME directory |
getJadeInstallDirectory | Returns a string containing the directory in which the JADE binaries are installed |
getJadeWorkDirectory | Returns a string containing the directory in which JADE work files are created |
getLastExtFunctionCallError | Returns the error code set by the last external function call made by the current process |
getLockCallStackFilter | Returns the list of classes for which saving lock call stack information has been enabled for this process |
getMethodCacheLimit | Retrieves the method cache limit for the executing process |
getMethodCacheStatistics | Retrieves information about the method cache of the executing process and stores it in the passed‑in JadeDynamicObject instance |
getMethodProfileInfo | Retrieves method profiling information for the receiving process |
getOSDetails | Returns comprehensive information about the operating system and machine architecture of the process of the receiver |
getOSPlatform | Returns the operating system of the process of the receiver |
getPersistentDeadlockPriority | Retrieves the priority value to be used when dealing with deadlocks involving persistent objects |
getProcessApp | Returns a reference to the main |
getProfileString | Retrieves a string from the specified section in the initialization file of the process |
getProgramDataDirectory | Returns a string containing the program data directory |
getRequestStatistics | Retrieves node sampling values relating to the receiver process |
getRpcServerStatistics | Retrieves node sampling statistics relating to RPC activity between the database server node and the receiver process |
getSaveLockCallStack | When an object is locked, returns true if the lock call stack is being saved for a process |
getSignOnUsage | Returns the way in which a currently logged on user signed on to JADE |
getStringPoolLimit | Retrieves the string pool limit for the executing process |
getTempPath | Returns a string containing the architecture-specific version of the directory in which temporary files are created on the process of the receiver object |
getTimers | Returns timer-related information from the receiving process |
getTrackedMethod | Returns the tracked method that caused the specified preamble or postamble method to be invoked |
getTrackedMethodReceiver | Returns the object used as the receiver for the method being tracked |
getTrackedMethodReturnValue | Retrieves the return value of the method being tracked |
getTrackedMethodStatus | Returns a value representing the current status of the tracked method |
getTransactionId | Returns the latest identifier from the most recent transaction as a |
getTransactionId64 | Returns the latest identifier from the most recent transaction as an |
getTransactionTraceCallbacks | Returns the method and receiver for all currently enabled transaction trace callbacks |
getTransactionTraceObject | Returns the transaction trace object associated with the current process |
getTransientDeadlockPriority | Retrieves the priority value to be used when dealing with deadlocks involving shared transient objects |
getTransientFileLength | Returns the physical size of the transient database file in use by the executing process |
getTransientFileName | Returns the name of the transient database file in use by the executing process |
getUserDataDirectory | Returns a string containing the user data directory |
initializePackages | Performs any initialization function common to all schema applications that contain packages |
isCommitting | Returns true if the process is currently committing a transaction |
isInExceptionState | Returns true if the epilog is being executed as a result of an exception |
isInImportedContext | Returns true if the current (executing) process has invoked the current method from a package |
isInLoadState | Returns true if the process is currently in load state |
isInLockState | Returns true if the process is currently in lock state |
isInTransactionState | Returns true if the process is currently in persistent transaction state |
isInTransientTransactionState | Returns true if the process is currently in transient transaction state |
isRunningScript | Returns true if the process is running a JadeScript or Workspace method |
isUserDataPump | Returns true if the process is running as a user-defined Datapump application |
isUsingThinClient | Returns true if the process is running in JADE thin client mode |
iteratorsExcludeOfflineObjects | Specifies whether objects stored in offline partitions should be excluded when collections are iterated with an iterator or a foreach instruction |
networkAddress | Returns the IP address of the network interface connection to the application server or database server |
profileMethod | Selects or deselects a method to be profiled for the receiving process |
profiler | Returns the profiler for the receiving process |
prohibitBeginTransaction | Stops the current process entering transaction state |
prohibitPersistentUpdates | Enables the updating of persistent objects in the current process to be prohibited |
removeMethodProfileInfo | Removes all method profiling information for the receiving process |
resumeTimers | Resumes all timers suspended for a process |
rpsSuppressTransactionDeletes | Specifies that an object deletion on a primary system is not replicated to a relational database |
sendCallStackInfo | Requests a process to send notifications containing information about its call stack |
sendMethodCacheStatistics | Requests a target process (the receiver) to send a notification containing statistics about the method cache of the target process |
sendRequestStatistics | Requests a process to send a notification containing local or remote request statistics |
sendTransientFileAnalysis | Requests a process to send notifications containing a detailed analysis of the contents of the transient database file |
sendTransientFileInfo | Requests a process to send a notification containing the oid of the process, and the name and length of the transient database file |
sendWebStatistics | Requests a process to send a notification containing performance statistics for Web activity |
setDateTimeDelta | Sets the values used to adjust the initial values of the Date, Time, and TimeStamp local variables |
setDefaultLockTimeout | Changes the default lock timeout period for the receiving process |
setMethodCacheLimit | Programmatically sets the method cache limit for the executing process |
setObjectCachePriority | Specifies how long an object is to be retained in persistent or transient object cache |
setPersistentDeadlockPriority | Sets the priority value to be used when dealing with deadlocks involving persistent objects |
setProfileString | Copies a string into the specified section of the JADE initialization file of the process |
setSaveLockCallStack | Specifies whether the call stack is recorded when the receiving process locks an object |
setStringPoolLimit | Programmatically sets the string pool limit for the executing process |
setTransientDeadlockPriority | Sets the priority value to be used when dealing with deadlocks involving shared transient objects |
sleep | Suspends execution of the thread of the receiver process for a specified time |
startMethodTracking | Initiates method tracking for the receiver process |
startTransactionTrace | Initiates transaction tracing for transactions carried out by the current process |
stopMethodTracking | Turns off method tracking for the receiver process |
stopTransactionTrace | Turns off transaction tracing for the receiver process |
suspendTimers | Suspends all timers registered by a process |
transactionTraceStarted | Returns true if transaction tracing is enabled for the current process |
transientPersistentInvsEnabled | Returns the current state of the Boolean set by calls to allowTransientToPersistentInvs on the process |
transientSharedTranInvsEnabled | Returns the current state of the Boolean set by calls to allowTransientToSharedTranInvs on the process |
truncateOnDecimalOverflow | Specifies whether an exception is raised when a decimal overflow occurs |
useUpdateLocks | Update locks rather than Exclusive locks are implicitly acquired when an object is updated |
waitForMethods | Suspends the process until one of the method contexts completes or times out |