
getCallStackInfo(): String;

The getCallStackInfo method of the Process class retrieves information about the call stack of the executing process. This method can be called only on the process instance of the current process. If you call it on an instance for another process, an exception is raised.

The return value from the getCallStackInfo method contains environmental details in addition to the local and remote call stacks. The location of execution for each method is signified at the end of the method line as (C) for client node or (S) for server node or single user, followed by the source code line of each method.

The following example shows the output from the getCallStackInfo method.

Method call stack information retrieval for Process: {13} commenced
Environmental details:
Node: 4068 Process: 13
Current Schema: CallStackInfo Application: CallStackInfo
Method Call Stack:
<<Process/187.03>> Process::getCallStackInfo(66) (S)
++ Source line: return self._getCallStackInfo(true);
<<JadeScript/107.0 (s)>> JadeScript::testCallStackInfo(54) (S)
++ Source line: write process.getCallStackInfo;
Method call stack information retrieval for Process: {13} finished