The methods defined in the Printer class are summarized in the following table.
Method | Description |
abort | Closes the printer or the preview file and discards all of the generated output |
centreFrame | Centers the frame on the page |
close | Sends all buffered output to the printer or the preview file |
drawArc | Draws an elliptical arc on the printer page |
drawChord | Draws a chord on the printer page (that is, an arc with the end points joined and the interior filled) |
drawEllipse | Draws an ellipse on the printed page |
drawFilledRectangle | Draws a filled rectangle on the printed page |
drawGrid | Draws a grid |
drawLine | Draws a line on the printed page |
drawPie | Draws a pie-shaped wedge on the printed page |
drawRectangle | Draws the border of a rectangle on the printed page |
drawRoundRectangle | Draws a rectangle with rounded corners on the printed page |
drawSolidRectangle | Draws a rectangle filled with the same color as the border on the printed page |
drawTextAt | Draws a text string on the printer page |
drawTextIn | Draws a text string with a bounded rectangle on the printer page |
drawTextSize | Returns the size of the text on the print page, using the current drawFont property values |
drawTextSizeIn | Returns the size of the text in a bounding rectangle on the print page, using the current drawFont property values |
frameFits | Returns true if the selected frame can be fitted on the current printer page |
getAllPaperSources | Returns all valid paper sources for the current printer device |
getAllPrinterPaperSources | Returns the paper sources for the specified printer on the application server or a presentation client |
getAllPrinters | Returns a string array of available printer names |
getDefaultDocumentType | Returns the default document type that is set for the physical printer |
getDefaultPaperSource | Returns the default paper source type (printer tray) set for the physical printer |
getFooter | Returns the current footer frame for the printer or null if a footer frame has not been set |
getHeader | Returns the current header frame for the printer or null if a footer frame has not been set |
getPrintedStatus | Returns the status of the print task after the printer is closed, to enable you to determine if the report was printed during preview |
getPrinterName | Returns the name of the current printer device |
getPrintPosition | Returns the current pixel position to be used for the next print statement |
getReport | Returns the value of the report instance set by the |
isPrinterOpen | Returns true if the printer is currently open |
newPage | Skips to the top of a new page |
pageHeight | Returns the height of the page |
pageWidth | Returns the width of the page |
Outputs the specified frame to the printer | |
printActive | Prints the currently active form or control |
printPage | Prints the specified page of print output on the current printer |
printReport | Prints the specified report on the current printer if the printPreview property is set to false |
printUnformatted | Bypasses the Windows Printer Control to print unformatted text |
setCustomPaperSize | Sets a custom printer paper size at run time |
setFooter | Sets the footer frame to a specified frame |
setHeader | Sets the header frame to a specified frame |
setMargins | Combines the settings of the margin properties |
setPrinter | Sets the output printer |
setPrintFileName | Writes the print output to a file |
setPrintPosition | Sets the next print position to be used |
setReport | Captures all |
useCustomPrinterSettings | Combines standard printing properties (for example, copies, duplex, and so on) with previously cached advanced settings from the common Print Setup dialog |
Printer class methods cannot be invoked from a server method.