getAllPrinterPaperSources(printerName: String; ia: IntegerArray input; sa: StringArray input): Integer updating;
The getAllPrinterPaperSources method of the Printer class populates integer and string arrays with the numbers and names, respectively, of the paper sources available for the printer specified in the printerName parameter.
The return value represents the number of paper sources for the specified printer.
In JADE thin client mode, this method returns:
Paper sources for a specified printer local to the presentation client only, when executed on a presentation client
Paper sources for a specified printer attached to that server, when called from a method executing on the server node (which enables you to get the paper sources for an application server printer if you want to schedule report tasks for a reporting presentation client that runs on the application server)
This method has no impact on the Printer object that is used to call the method.
For details about returning the valid paper sources for the current printer device, see the Printer class getAllPaperSources method.