
Type: Boolean

Availability: Read or write at any time

The gridRight property of the JadeTableElement class specifies whether a grid line is drawn along the right edge of cells in a table element. If the gridLines property for the table or the JadeTableSheet object is false, the property is ignored.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the gridRight property to suppress the printing of vertical grid lines for the sheet.

table1.accessSheet(1).gridRight := false;

The value of the gridRight property for a cell, which is true by default, can be changed through code at increasingly more-specific levels: JadeTableSheet, JadeTableRow, JadeTableColumn, and JadeTableCell. Where there are conflicting changes, the most-specific change determines the resulting value of the property.

The code fragment in the following example shows a change at the JadeTableCell level overriding a change at the JadeTableSheet level.

table1.accessCell(3,3).gridRight := true;
table1.accessSheet(1).gridRight := false;

When the value of the gridLines property is true, a pixel is always used for the grid to the right and bottom of each cell, regardless of whether it is drawn or not. Grid lines are never drawn for fixed cells drawn as three-dimensional (3D) buttons, so the value of gridRight has no effect on those cells.