JadeTableElement Class

The Table control provides access to each of an internally created sheet, row, column, and cell object; that is, the JadeTableElement class and its subclasses.

The JadeTableElement class encapsulates the behavior required to directly access the properties and methods of a table object (that is, a cell, column, row, or sheet) without using the accessMode property.

Using instances of the JadeTableElement subclasses is equivalent to setting the accessMode property of the Table control using the constant values listed in the following table without having to set the row, column, or sheet property of the Table control.

JadeTableElement Subclass Equivalent to the accessMode Value for the Table class…
JadeTableCell Table.AccessMode_Cell
JadeTableColumn Table.AccessMode_Column
JadeTableRow Table.AccessMode_Row
JadeTableSheet Table.AccessMode_Sheet

As the overhead required to create an object for each cell, column, row, and sheet of the table would be too great, only one object of each type is created. These objects are proxy objects that hold a reference to the cell, column, row, or sheet that was last accessed by using the methods listed below. Accessing a cell, column, row, or sheet sets a corresponding property in the Table class, allowing subsequent access to that table element, as follows.

The following code fragments show examples of accessing the last table elements that were accessed.

table1.accessCell(2, 3).inputType := Table.InputType_TextBox;
table1.accessedCell.foreColor     := Red;

table1.accessSheet(2).accessCell(1, 4).text := "Company";
table1.accessedCell.alignment := Table.Alignment_Right_Middle;

Storing a reference to a returned cell causes problems unless you take a copy of that cell, as shown in the following example in which both cell1 and cell2 refer to the same object, which is referencing cell(3, 4).

cell1 := table1.accessCell(2, 3);
cell2 := table1.accessCell(3, 4);
cell1.text := "abc";

In the following example, cell1 has been cloned and still refers to cell(2, 3).

cell1 := table1.accessCell(2, 3).cloneSelf(true);
// the cloned cell must be deleted by your logic
cell2 := table1.accessCell(3, 4);
cell1.text := "abc";

For details about the properties defined in the JadeTableElement class, see "JadeTableElement Properties", in the following subsection. For details about the table control and the constants, properties, methods, and events that it provides, see "Table Class", in Chapter 2.


JadeTableCell, JadeTableColumn, JadeTableRow, JadeTableSheet