Displaying Interface Methods to which the Selected Method is Mapped

To display all interface methods to which the selected method is mapped

  1. In the Class Browser, select the method whose method mappings to one or more interface methods you want to view.

  2. Select the Interface Mappings command from the Methods menu.

    This command is enabled only when the selected method is mapped to an interface method (that is, it is a stub method that was automatically generated in the current class when an interface method was defined).

The Method is mapped with the following interface methods browser window for the selected class method is then displayed. The title of the browser window states in parentheses the number of interface methods to which the class method maps. This window lists each interface method implemented by the selected class method, to enable you to view specific implementations of that method.

You can amend and compile a selected method, if required; for example, to automatically update the method signature when the signature of the interface method has changed. For details, see "Compiling an Interface Method" and "Implementing an Interface", in Chapter 14.