Viewing the Implementation of an Interface Method

You can view the implementation of an interface method selected in the Interface Browser.

To display the implementation of an interface method

  1. In the Interface Browser, select the interface in which the required method is defined.

  2. Select the method in the Methods List for that interface.

  3. Select the Method Implemented By command from the Methods menu.

The browser shown in the following image is then displayed.

The title of the browser window states in parentheses the number of class methods to which the interface method maps.

You can amend and compile a selected method, if required; for example, to automatically update the method signature when the signature of the interface method has changed. (For details, see "Compiling an Interface Method", earlier in this chapter.)

To display the interface methods to which a class method is mapped, see "Displaying Interface Methods to which the Selected Method is Mapped", in Chapter 4.