Specifying Your Load Options

The Load Options dialog enables you to specify the type of file that you are loading and the location and name of the file.

The File Selection and the Load Order sheets enable you to select the schema, file, schemas, or files to be loaded, and when loading multiple files, the order in which the files are loaded. For details, see the following subsections.

If you are unsure of a file name or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog that is then displayed lists all schema, class, method, forms definition files, and so on, in the directory for which the dialog is opened, to enable you to select the appropriate file.

When you have specified your load options, click the OK button to confirm your selections. (Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.)

The load process is then initiated. If the schema file contains methods that are in error when loading a single schema, the file is loaded without interruption.

On completion of the file load, a message box:

Any errors outside method implementation (for example, an invalid class or property definition) result in a halt of the schema load process. The editor window then displays the extract file with the error highlighted. The error description is displayed in the status line. Amend the error, and then click the OK button to restart the load process. Alternatively, you click the Cancel button to abort the load.

A compile error is raised during the load process if the file contains more than one Application or Global subclass. If the extract file does not define Application or Global subclasses, the Add Schema dialog is displayed, to enable you to define an application and global class. If you do not specify these classes, the load is cancelled. (For more details, see "Defining a Schema", in Chapter 3.) When the load process is complete, you are now ready to use your newly loaded schema, application forms, class, interface, method, or primitive type method.

To cancel the load process