JADE Extract and Load Facilities

JADE provides the following extract and load facilities.

When you extract a class, its associated methods, properties, and so on, are also extracted.

You can extract and load only your user-defined schemas. You cannot extract or load the RootSchema (the base schema that contains system objects).

If you load multiple schemas and you want to suppress the display of all warning messages resulting from compiling schema files (for example, class number conflict messages), set the SuppressWarningDialogs parameter in the [JadeCompiler] section of the JADE initialization file to true. Warning messages are then output only to the message log.

For details about loading locales, see "Loading Locales", in Chapter 11, "Internationalization".

Exception 5012 is raised if you attempt to load a Unicode schema into an ANSI JADE environment.

The Extract command from the Schema menu enables you to save (extract) the current schema to a file.

The Load command from the Schema menu enables you to load (install) a full or partial schema from an extracted file into your current schema or a new schema.

Use the Schema menu Extract and Load commands when you are:

The Schema menu Extract and Load commands enable you to extract and load:

The Views, Classes, Interfaces, Methods, Types, Relational, and Components menus provide facilities to save a selected schema, relational view, RPS mapping, .NET exposure, ActiveX type library, method, class, interface, constant, or class and its subclasses, and extract them to a file. Saving a schema or relational view, RPS mapping, .NET exposure, or ActiveX type library, class, interface, method, or constant provides you with a quick means of extracting that schema element; for example, for a backup, to pass the code to another user, or to reconstruct.

Using this facility is a simpler, faster way to extract an individual schema element than performing a selective extract of your schema.

The JADE extract process extracts definitions of any OleControl objects (as it does with other controls painted at design time when the form definitions are extracted) but it does not extract the user data associated with the controls. It is your responsibility to extract the user data and load it into a deployed database, if required.

If you attempt to load an extracted schema containing imported classes, interfaces, and features before the schema containing the export schema is loaded, a schema load error occurs. You must therefore take care when loading a schema containing an imported package that you first load the schema containing the exported package. However, if a package is imported into a schema that is extracted to a multiple extract file and the schema that exports this package is also extracted to that file, the exporting package schema extracted (and therefore loaded) before the importing package schema.

You can avoid problems of this nature if you maintain the export package as a separate schema file from the schema or schemas into which it is to be imported.

A user of the imported schema should first load the schema into which the package is to be imported, and then load the separate schema file for the package into that schema. (For details, see "Extracting and Loading Package Schemas", in Chapter 8 of the JADE Developer’s Reference.)

For details about extracting a method view that bookmarks a workflow, see "Extracting a Method View", in Chapter 13.

When extracting a schema metadata file and form and data definitions file with the DDX file format, the Global class of the schema is extracted but the data is ignored when the schema is loaded. (For a DDB format file, the Global class is not extracted.)

The global information in the DDX file is ignored for consistency and because it creates a situation where the data cannot be loaded until a reorganization is performed if the Global class is marked for reorganization.

When RPS mappings are extracted during a schema extract, a ddb-file-name.ddbx forms definition file is created. This file contains only the RPS mappings extracted during this schema extract. The RPS mappings are included in both the .ddb and the .ddbx files. When extracting a schema with an RPS mapping and the DDX format style is selected, a separate .ddbx file is produced as for a DDB extract but the file contents are in XML format.

When no reorganization is required after the .scm file load, the .ddb file can be loaded (as normal) before the reorganization is performed. If a reorganization is required after the .scm file load and before the .ddb file load, the .ddbx file can be loaded before the reorganization, to keep the RPS mappings up-to-date with the schema changes. After the reorganization, the .ddb file is loaded as normal, to complete the changes.

If a .ddbx file is created for a schema extract, the following comment line is put into the .scm file after the JADE Command File line (if present) and before the jadeVersionNumber line.

/* JADE RPS MAPPING FILE <ddbx‑file‑name> */

The .ddbx file: