Extracting Changes for a Patch Number

Use the Patches menu Extract command to extract changes in the patch number selected in the Patches Browser. (When you select the Changes option on the Extract Options sheet of the Extract dialog, all applications added to or changed in the patch version specified on the Changes sheet of the Extract dialog are included in the schema extract.)

The .jcf command file is created from the patch history. When a full schema extract is done, command file entries are created based on all the patch histories in your JADE system. Command file entries have a comment line that states the patch number from which they were extracted.

When you extract a specific patch number, the command file contains entries relating to that patch number only.

When you perform a partial extract (by using the extract dialog), the command file contains entries for all patch numbers that are part of that extract.

In a full schema extract, the command file is necessary only when renaming or moving classes. (Renamed properties, deleted properties, and deleted classes are not required in the command file for full schema extractions.)

To extract all changes for a patch number

  1. In the Patches Browser, select the patch number whose changes you want to extract.

    You can also extract closed patch numbers.

  2. Select the Extract command from the Patches menu.

    The Extract By Patch Number dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  3. If you want to extract changes made in all schemas for this patch number, check the Extract Patch for all Schemas check box. This check box is unchecked by default, indicating that only changes against this patch number in the selected schema are extracted.

    When you check the Extract Patch for all Schemas check box, the Forms File Name combo box is no longer displayed and the Schema File Name combo box is replaced by the Multi Extract File Name combo box, in which you specify the name that you require for your multiple schema extract file (that is, the .mul file). The prefix of the multiple schema extract file defaults to the name of the current schema.

    The files are extracted to the .mul file. The schema name is appended with .scm and the forms file names are the schema file name appended with .ddb or .ddx, depending on the value of the Use DDX style (xml format) as Default instead of DDB check box on the Schema sheet of the Preferences dialog. These files are created in the same directory as the multiple extract file.

  4. In the Schema File Name text box, specify the name and location of the schema file whose changes you want to extract; for example, c:\jade\bin\MySchema.scm. If you do not specify a location, the file is extracted to your default directory.

    If you want to extract the schema changes to an existing file or you are unsure of existing extract file names or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file or location, if required.

  5. In the Forms File Name text box, specify the name and location of the forms file that you want to extract; for example, c:\jade\bin\MySchema.ddb. If you do not specify a location, the file is extracted to your default directory.

    If you want to extract the form and control definition changes to an existing file or you are unsure of existing extract file names or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file or location, if required.

  6. In the Delta combo box, select the delta whose patch number changes you want to extract if you do not want to extract those checked out to the currently set delta.

    If a delta is currently set, patch number changes are extracted from that delta by default. If no delta is set, the un-checked out versions of the methods are extracted.

    For details about specifying the delta into which loaded methods are checked out, see Loading Schemas using the Schema Load Utility", in the JADE Schema Load User's Guide.

  7. If you want to remove patch control information relating to the schema or schemas after the extraction process, check the Remove History After Extract check box.

    This check box is unchecked by default, indicating that patch history is not removed.

    To reclaim the physical space created by the removal of patch control information, you must compact the _userscm.dat file by using the JADE Database utility.

  8. If you want to encrypt the JADE method source code in your patch number extract file, check the Encrypt Sources check box.

    By default, extracted source code is not encrypted; that is, this check box is unchecked. Source encryption provides security when you release schema extract files, as the source code is not easily visible (for example, when you deploy an application to a third-party). For details, see "Encrypting Schema Source Files", in Chapter 10 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.

    Ensure that you extract the encrypted schema to a location different from that of your source schema. If you subsequently load the encrypted schema (for example, for testing purposes), your method source code is lost if you load it into the same database that contains your original source files, as they are not saved during the decryption process.

  9. If you want to extract changes to classes only, check the Class Changes Only check box.

    By default, when a class definition is changed by deleting a method, property, or constant, the complete class is extracted. Check this control if you want to ignore the deletions and extract the complete class.

    This check box is unchecked by default, indicating that changes to all schema elements are extracted (for example, changes to methods, external functions, properties, and so on).

  10. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

For details about using non-GUI client applications to automate the extraction of patch numbers, see "Extracting Schemas as a Non-GUI Client Application", in Chapter 10 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.