Setting Report Formats

This section describes the Report Formats dialog, which enables you to set field formats for an individual report, including numbers, currency, Boolean values, dates, times, and timestamps.

Standard system-wide report format default values are set in the JADE Report Writer Configuration application. (For details, see "System Formats Menu", in Chapter 3.)

You can create a report design without changing any of these standard report formats. You can also accept the standard default values and change individual field formats by using the field properties. For details, see "Setting Field Properties" under "Using the Detail Functions", later in this chapter.

Having changed the report formats, you can also return to the default formats set by the JADE Report Writer Configuration application at any time.

You can change report formats in advance of any physical design or you can change them at any time during the report design.

To display the Report Formats dialog

The Report Formats dialog is then displayed, with the Number sheet uppermost. The subsections listed in the following table describe the sheets of the Report Formats dialog.

Subsection Describes how to set default…
Using the Number Sheet Number formats
Using the Currency Sheet Currency formats
Using the Date Sheet Date formats
Using the Time Sheet Time formats
Using the TimeStamp Sheet Timestamp formats
Using the Boolean Sheet Boolean formats

Each sheet of the Report Formats dialog is described in the following subsections.