Joins Command

Use the Joins command from the Report menu to select the joined collections from which you want to select database fields to insert into your report. The available joins are those that are defined in the reporting view that you selected when starting your report design. The Joins command enables you to select or specify other joins to report on in addition to any that you selected when you created the report. (For details, see "Starting a Report from Scratch", earlier in this chapter.) You can also change your join criteria by using the Joins command.

To select a join

  1. Select the Joins command from the Report menu.

    The Report Joins dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. In the Report Joins list box, select a join on which to report.

  3. If joins are not required for additional report root collections, uncheck the Join Keys Required? check box.

  4. Select fields to join and then set your join relationships. For details, see "Selecting the Fields to Join" under "Creating Root Collection Joins", in Chapter 3.

  5. Click the Close button when you have completed your join selections and changes.

The join information is then updated.