
Type: Boolean

Availability: Read or write at any time

The relativeHeight property of the Control class specifies whether the height of a control is relative to the height of its parent. If this property is set to true, the control height is adjusted proportionally when the parent is resized. For example, this means that list boxes can be sized according to the form height.

The settings of the relativeHeight property are listed in the following table.

Value Description
false If the parent is resized, no action occurs (the default)
true Resize the control height in proportion to the size change undergone by the parent

Setting the relativeHeight property to true causes the adjustment of the height for the control when the parent size changes. For example, if all of the relative properties are set to true, two adjacent list boxes resize, move, and are still adjacent after the resize of a form. Similarly, if you set the relativeTop and relativeLeft properties to true, a button remains the same size but it is positioned proportionally to the form size.

Some controls automatically resize themselves, and setting this property may have no effect. In addition, the relativeHeight property is ignored when a control is aligned. (See also the parentAspect property.)

The size ratios between the control and its parent are calculated when:

If logic changes the position or size of the control, the distances to the edges of the parent of the control are re-evaluated and used from then on (that is, the relative ratios are re-evaluated).

When using the relativeHeight property, some controls have fixed heights. Any stretching is ignored for those cases, as follows.

The following example shows the use of the relativeHeight property.

setFormProperties(pScaleForm, pRelativeSize: Boolean) updating;
    count : Integer;
    // Set the form's scale property.
    self.scaleForm := pScaleForm;
    // Now set the relative size and position properties of the
    // form's controls.
    foreach count in 1 to self.controlCount do
        self.controls(count).relativeHeight := pRelativeSize;
        self.controls(count).relativeLeft   := pRelativeSize;
        self.controls(count).relativeTop    := pRelativeSize;
        self.controls(count).relativeWidth  := pRelativeSize;