Sheet Class

The Sheet class enables you to create a sheet control for a folder.

A sheet is the same as a GroupBox control, in that it holds a series of painted controls. Only one sheet is visible at any time, but tabs for each sheet are displayed at the top of the folder or at a user-specified edge. These tabs can be clicked to make the selected sheet visible. When the user clicks on a tab, the corresponding sheet is displayed (that is, both the click and the sheetChg event methods occur).

A specific sheet can also be selected, by using the keyboard if the caption of the sheet includes an accelerator sequence (for example, pressing Alt+C selects the sheet labeled &Customers), or you can use the Ctrl+Page Up or Ctrl+Page Down shortcut keys to move the focus of a folder to the prior or next enabled visible sheet when that folder or a child of the folder has focus.

As the Sheet class is a subclass of the GroupBox control class, it inherits all of the properties and methods defined in the GroupBox, Control, and Window classes.

For a summary of the property and methods defined in the Sheet class, see "Sheet Property" and "Sheet Methods", in the following subsections.