Graphics Methods

The graphical methods defined in the Window class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
beginBatchDrawing Starts a batch drawing operation
clearGraphics Causes a repaint of the form or control and its children, discarding any graphical images previously drawn
drawArc Draws an arc
drawChord Draws a chord (an arc with the end points joined and the interior filled)
drawDeskTopRectangle Creates a transparent desktop window onto which the rectangle is drawn
drawDeskTopRectangleEx Creates a transparent desktop window onto which the rectangle is drawn, using the inner border style and color
drawEllipse Draws a filled ellipse (a circle is a special ellipse)
drawFilledPolygon Draws a filled polygon and closes the figure by using the start and end Real point values
drawFilledRectangle Draws a filled rectangle
drawFloodFill Fills an area on the object with a color
drawGrid Draws a grid on the window
drawLine Draws a line
drawPictureAt Draws a picture starting at a specified location using the drawing mode
drawPictureIn Draws a picture stretched or compressed to exactly fit the rectangle
drawPie Draws a pie (an arc with the end points drawn to the middle point of the bounding rectangle and color-filled)
drawPoint Draws a single point
drawPolygon Draws the border of a polygon without automatically closing the figure
drawRectangle Draws the border of a rectangle
drawRoundRectangle Draws a rectangle with rounded corners
drawSize Returns the current number of entries in the drawing history
drawSolidRectangle Draws a rectangle filled with the same color as the border
drawTextAt Draws text at a position
drawTextHeight Returns the height that would be required to draw a text string
drawTextIn Draws text bounded by a rectangle
drawTextWidth Returns the width that would be required to draw a text string
drawUndo Undoes drawing actions back to a specified point
endBatchDrawing Ends a batch drawing operation
getPoint Gets the color of a point

An exception is raised if a Window, Form, or Control graphic method is invoked from a server method.