
drawDeskTopRectangleEx(borderStyle: Integer;
                       x1:          Integer;
                       y1:          Integer;
                       x2:          Integer;
                       y2:          Integer;
                       borderColor: Integer;
                       borderWidth: Integer;
                       innerStyle:  Integer;
                       innerColor:  Integer);

The drawDeskTopRectangleEx method of the Window class creates a transparent desktop window onto which the rectangle is drawn. Any white pixels are treated as being transparent.

This window is used for any subsequent calls to the drawDeskTopRectangleEx method made on the associated window and is repositioned and resized each time.

Each call to the method erases any previous drawing and draws the new rectangle pattern.

The drawing does not use the Xor operator to combine a draw pattern pixel with a background pixel on the desktop.

Any window can have an associated drawing, thus allowing multiple rectangle patterns to be visible at once. Each drawing is independent of the other.

The inner part of the rectangle is drawn using the value of the innerStyle parameter and the color specified in the innerColor parameter unless the value of the innerStyle parameter is -1.

The drawing window is not destroyed if the same rectangle is drawn a second time. The drawing window is destroyed only if the value of both the borderStyle and innerStyle parameters is -1 or the associated window is destroyed.

The parameters for the drawDeskTopRectangleEx method are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
borderStyle -1 (destroy the drawing window)
  0 (hatch style 45 degrees left to right)
  1 (cross-hatch)
  2 (45 degree cross-hatch)
  3 (hatch style 45 degrees right to left)
  4 (horizontal)
  5 (vertical)
  6 (halftone)
  7 (solid)
  Any other value is treated as no drawing required (note that this method does not draw the inside of the rectangle and the rectangle border is not drawn if the value of the borderWidth parameter is less than or equal to zero)
x1, y1 Left and top corner positions of rectangle, respectively, in pixels relative to the client area of the window
x2, y2 Right and bottom corner positions of rectangle, respectively, in pixels relative to the client area of the window
borderColor Color with which to draw the rectangle
borderWidth Width of the inner area of the rectangle drawn with the pattern specified in the borderStyle parameter
innerStyle Style with which to draw the inner part of the rectangle (with the same pattern options as those for the borderStyle parameter listed earlier in this table)
innerColor Color with to fill the inner part of the rectangle unless the value of the innerStyle parameter is -1

If the width of the border area is greater than or equal to the width or height of the rectangle being drawn, the entire rectangle is filled with the specified pattern.

The methods in the following examples (in which inDragOver: Boolean, lastMouseX: Integer, and lastMouseY: Integer are form properties) show the use of this method to draw a dragging rectangle when the user drags the mouse over the ListBox control.

listBox1_dragOver(listBox: ListBox;
                  win:     Window;
                  x, y:    Real;
                  state:   Integer) updating;
    w : Integer;
    h : Integer;
    w := (listBox.clientWidth/2).Integer;
    h := (listBox.clientHeight/2).Integer;
    // draw in new position
    inDragOver := true;
    lastMouseX := x.Integer;
    lastMouseY := y.Integer;
    listBox.drawDeskTopRectangleEx(0, lastMouseX - w, lastMouseY - h,
                                   lastMouseX + w, lastMouseY + h, Red, 4, 0, Red);

listBox1_dragDrop(listBox: ListBox; win: Window; x, y: Real) updating;
    if inDragOver then
        listBox1.drawDeskTopRectangleEx(-1, lastMouseX - w, lastMouseY - h,
                                        lastMouseX + w, lastMouseY + h, Red, 4, 
                                        -1, Red);