JadeTestListenerIF Interface Callback Method Signatures

The signatures of callback methods provided the JadeTestListenerIF interface are summarized in the following table.

Method When the callback method is invoked …
finish After the last test method for the last JadeTestCase subclass completes
message Before the first test method for a JadeTestCase subclass starts or after the last test method completes
methodSuccess If a test method completes successfully without an exception or an assertion failure
start Before the first test method for the first JadeTestCase subclass starts
testFailure If a test method results in an exception or an assertion failure
testSkipped If a test method has the unitTestIgnore method option and is skipped
testSuccess For each individual assertion that passes, in each test method run

For details about the method options that are available for methods in a unit test class (for example, the unitTestIgnore method option), see "Writing Unit Tests", in Chapter 17 of the JADE Developer’s Reference. For details about method options, see "Method Options", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Developer’s Reference.