
testFailure(testMethodName: String;
            callStack:      String;
            failureReason:  String);

When unit tests are run, all of the test methods for each class in a collection of JadeTestCase subclasses are executed.

The testFailure event occurs for each test method from a JadeTestCase class that fails because an assertion fails or an exception is raised. The testFailure callback method is then invoked for the test listener object, if it exists.

The parameters for the testFailure method are listed in the following table.

Parameter Contains the…
testMethodName Name of the test method that failed in the schema-name::class-name::method-name fully qualified format .
callStack Call stack of all user test methods at the point of the assertion failure or the captured exception in the form schema-name::class-name::method-name, followed by the position within the method source in parentheses. The top method in the stack is the one in which the assertion failed or the exception was captured.
failureReason Reason the test method failed.

For details about running unit tests, see "Using the JADE Testing Framework", in Chapter 17 of the JADE Developer’s Reference.