JadeTableSheet Methods

The methods defined in the JadeTableSheet class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
accessCell Returns a reference to the requested cell
accessColumn Returns a reference to the requested column
accessRow Returns a reference to the requested row
addItem Adds a new row to the sheet
addItemAt Adds a new row to the sheet at a specified position
clear Clears the contents of the sheet
delete Deletes the entire sheet if it is not the only sheet on the table
findColumnObject Searches the column itemObjects for an object, if it exists
findObject Returns the column and row containing the specified object, if it exists in the current sheet
findRowObject Searches the row itemObjects for an object, if it exists
findString Searches the cells in a sheet of a table for the specified string
getCellFromPosition Returns the cell at the specified position, and the row and column of that cell
getCollection Returns the collection attached to the associated sheet of the table
insertColumn Enables a single column to be inserted into the sheet
moveColumn Moves a column of the sheet
moveRow Moves a row of the sheet
positionCollection Positions the collection attached to the Table control to an object in that collection and to a row within the table
refreshEntries Refreshes the displayed list of entries on the current sheet of the table
removeItem Removes a row from the sheet at run time
resort Resorts the contents of the sheet
restoreAutoSize Recalculates row heights and column widths, ignoring changes made by logic or user resize
selectedCount Returns the number of cells with the selected status set
selectedNext Returns the next selected cell
setCollectionObject Sets the object in the collection attached to the current sheet of the table