
findColumnObject(object: Object;
                 column: Integer io): Boolean;

The findColumnObject method of the JadeTableSheet class searches the item object values for each column (set by the JadeTableElement class itemObject property) on the sheet for the value specified in the object parameter, starting from the column specified in the column parameter.

A zero (0) value in the column parameter is treated as 1; that is, if this parameter is not specified, the search starts at the first column of the current sheet.

If the specified object is found, this method returns true and the value of the column that contains the specified object. If the specified object is not found, this method returns false and a zero (0) column value.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the findColumnObject method.

int  := 0;
bool := table1.accessSheet(2).findColumnObject(obj, int);