Character Methods

The methods defined in the Character primitive type are summarized in the following table.

Method Returns …
compareEql true if the receiver is equal to a specified character
compareGeneric An integer showing whether the receiver is greater than, equal to, or less than a specified character
compareGeq true if the receiver is greater than or equal to a specified character
compareGtr true if the receiver is greater than a specified character
compareLeq true if the receiver is less than or equal to a specified character
compareLss true if the receiver is less than the value of a specified character
compareNeq true if the receiver is not equal to a specified character
display A string containing the receiver
isAlpha true if the receiver represents a letter for the current language setting
isDelimiter true if the receiver is not alphanumeric
isHex true if the receiver represents a hexadecimal character
isLower true if the receiver represents a lowercase letter
isNumeric true if the receiver represents a numeric digit
isPrintable true if the receiver is a character that can be printed
isUpper true if the receiver represents an uppercase letter
makeString A string of the specified length filled with the value of the receiver
setByteOrderLocal A character that has the bytes ordered as required by the local node
setByteOrderRemote A character that has the bytes ordered as required by the specified remote node
toHex A string containing the hexadecimal value of the receiver
toLower The lowercase equivalent of the receiving character
toUpper The uppercase equivalent of the receiving character