
isNumeric(): Boolean;

The isNumeric method of the Character primitive type returns true if the receiver represents a numeric digit for the current language setting.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the isNumeric method.

if prodTitle.text.length = 0 then
    // Build default caption from name by inserting a space before each
    // uppercase character; for example, "3NeonHuedChocolateCoveredGumDrops"
    // becomes "3 Neon Hued Chocolate Covered Gum Drops"
    str := prodName.text;
    prodTitle.text[1] := str[1];
    count := 2;
    while count <= str.length do
        if str[count].isUpper or (str[count].isNumeric and not
                      str[count-1].isNumeric) then
            prodTitle.text := prodTitle.text & " ";
        prodTitle.text := prodTitle.text & str[i];
        count := count + 1;