Binary Methods

The methods defined in the Binary primitive type are summarized in the following table.

Method Returns …
ansiToString The string equivalent of the binary interpreted as ANSI characters
ansiToUnicode The Unicode string equivalent of the binary interpreted as ANSI characters
asDecimal The Decimal representation of the receiver
asGuidString A visual representation of the Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) binary receiver as a string of printable characters
base64Encode An ASCII string consisting of lines with fewer than 76 characters resulting from encoding the receiver in Base64
base64EncodeNoCrLf An ASCII string resulting from encoding the receiver in Base64 without carriage-return and line-feed characters
bufferAddress The value of the pointer to the internal buffer as an integer
bufferMemoryAddress The value of the pointer to the internal buffer as a memory address
compressToBinary A compressed binary representation of the receiver
convertPicture A copy of the receiver converted to the requested picture type
convertToFile A copy of the receiver converted to the requested picture type in a file
copyImage A new image created from the specified part of an existing binary image of the receiver
display A string containing a hexadecimal dump of the receiver
fromANSIToString A String containing the receiver converted using the code page for the specified locale
fromANSIToStringUtf8 A UTF8 String containing the receiver converted using the code page for the specified locale
length The actual length of a binary variable
maxLength The declared maximum length of a binary variable
pictureSize The type of image contained in the binary and the width and height of the image
pictureType The type of picture image
posBinary The position of a specified binary string in the receiver
posByte The position of a specified byte in the receiver
uncompressToBinary A binary value representing the receiver after it has been uncompressed
uncompressToString An string value representing the receiver after it has been uncompressed
uncompressToStringUtf8 A UTF8 string value representing the receiver after it has been uncompressed
unicodeToAnsi The ANSI string equivalent of the binary interpreted as Unicode characters
unicodeToString The string equivalent of the binary interpreted as Unicode characters
unpackCString A string extracted from the binary, starting at a specified position within the binary and terminated by the next occurring null character
uuidAsString A string formatted as a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)