
pictureType(): Integer;

The pictureType method of the Binary primitive type returns the type of picture image. The return values are listed in the following table.

Integer Picture Type Integer Picture Type
0 Not a valid picture 5 Cursor
1 Bitmap 6 Tag Image File Format (.tif)
2 Not used 7 Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)
3 Icon 8 Portable Network Graphics (.png)
4 Metafile 9 Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)

You can use the PictureType_Bitmap, PictureType_Icon, PictureType_MetaFile, PictureType_Cursor, PictureType_Tiff, PictureType_Jpeg, PictureType_Png, or PictureType_Gif constant of the Window class, respectively, to specify the picture type.

An exception is raised if this method is invoked from a server method.