White Papers > Developing a Backup Strategy White Paper > Developing a Backup Strategy > What is a Backup

What is a Backup?

A database backup is a representative copy of data. The copy includes important parts of your database such as the control file and data files, and your backed up transaction journals. When the original data is lost, use the backup to reinstate the physical files that constitute your JADE database.

In the event of a catastrophic failure, your database backup is the key to successfully recovering your data. Additionally, restoring and recovering a database from a backup can be operationally useful. By backing up a database from one computer and restoring and recovering the database from the backup to another computer, a copy of a database can be made quickly and easily.

By default, transaction journals are automatically removed. You must set the JADE initialization file EnableArchivalRecovery parameter to true so that the journals can be retained for recovery purposes.