Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > EnableArchivalRecovery





The EnableArchivalRecovery parameter is used to enable or disable the archival recovery option.

The default value of true is the recommended value for productions systems. For non‑critical systems, where transaction loss is acceptable, you can opt out of the ability to do archival recovery by setting the value of this parameter to false.

When you set this parameter to false and you perform an online backup, the journal set that the backup spanned is copied to the location of the backup. This journal set is automatically restored, if required, when the database is restored.

This parameter is ignored on an SDS primary system, for which archival recovery is always enabled. The parameter does not apply to an SDS secondary system.

Parameter is read when …

The database server node is initialized; for example, when you restart the database server.