Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 2 - Getting Started > Using Function Keys and Shortcut Keys

Using Function Keys and Shortcut Keys

You can use the keyboard to perform functions in the JADE development environment.

For details about configuring JADE editor key bindings, see "Maintaining Editor Key Bindings" under "Setting User Preferences", later in this chapter. For details about using the F9 function key to run a unit test, see "Running a Unit Test", in Chapter 4.

Visual Studio uses the F9 key to set breakpoints, by default, and uses the F5 key to run and continue debug execution. JADE uses the F5 key to set breakpoints and the F9 key to run and continue debug execution. Switching between the two development environments can lead to confusion and frustration when using the F5 and F9 keys. You can swap the F9and F5 accelerator key bindings, by checking the Swap F5 (Toggle Breakpoint) and F9 (Execute/Continue) accelerators check box on the Editor Key Bindings sheet on the Preferences dialog. This check box is unchecked by default (that is, false). For details, see "Maintaining Editor Key Bindings", later in this chapter.