Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 2 - Getting Started > Maintaining Editor Key Bindings

Maintaining Editor Key Bindings

You can configure the JADE editor key bindings (that is, keystroke combinations) when a source editor control has focus; for example, you can change the CTRL+F shortcut key action from the default opening of the Find and Replace dialog to opening of the External Function Browser (which has the default SHIFT+CTRL+F action).

For details about the function keys in the JADE editor pane, see "Using Function Keys and Shortcut Keys" under "Using the JADE Development Environment", earlier in this chapter. See also "Using the JadeTextEdit Control" under "JadeTextEdit Class" and the JadeTextEdit class bindKeyToCommand method, in Chapter 2 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.

Use the Editor Key Bindings sheet to change the default editor key bindings.

To change the default editor key bindings

  1. Click the Editor Key Bindings sheet of the Preferences or JADE Installation Preferences dialog.

    The Editor Key Bindings sheet of the Preferences dialog is then displayed, with all current key bindings that can apply to editor source windows, including the default ones, listed in the table. The left column contains the keystroke combination and the right column displays the action performed by that keystroke combination.

    Default key bindings are indicated by the Window background color, which defaults to white. User‑created key bindings are indicated by the versioned background color, which defaults to light green.

    When you add a key binding that overrides a default binding, the default continues to be displayed as a reminder.

    The following table lists the editor actions. An asterisk character (*) indicates an action that cannot be bound to another keystroke, but you can disable the default binding by selecting the NoAction action. (For details, step 4 of this instruction.)

    Action Description
    AddTranslatableString * Opens the Add Translatable String dialog
    AutoComplete Manually invokes the AutoComplete list box based on the current cursor location (for details, see "Using JADE AutoComplete Functionality", earlier in this chapter)
    Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the caret
    BackTab Removes indentation from the selected line or lines, or moves the caret to the left one tab character
    BookMark * Creates and toggles bookmarks for current positions
    Cancel Returns focus to the editor pane
    CharacterLeft Moves the caret one character to the left
    CharacterLeftExtend Extends the current selection one character to the left
    CharacterLeftRectExtend Extends the rectangular selection one column to the left
    CharacterRight Moves the caret one character to the right
    CharacterRightExtend Extends the selection one character to the right
    CharacterRightRectExtend Extends the rectangular selection one column to the right
    CloseAll * Closes all open forms and terminates the application
    CloseMdiForm * Closes all open MDI forms
    CompileMethod * Compiles the current method
    Copy Copies the selected text to the clipboard
    CopyLine Copies the current line to the clipboard
    Cut Copies the selected text to the clipboard and deletes it
    CutLine Copies the current line to the clipboard and deletes it
    CopyToClipBuffer Copies the selected text to the clip buffer defined by the next numeric keystroke
    Delete Deletes the character to the right of the caret
    DeleteLine Deletes the current line
    DeleteLineLeft Deletes the line to the left of the caret
    DeleteLineRight Deletes the line to the right of the caret
    DeleteWordLeft Deletes the word to the left of the caret, and deletes the word to the left of selected text if text is currently selected
    DeleteWordRight Deletes the word to the right of the caret, and deletes the word to the right of selected text if text is currently selected
    DisplayLineStart Moves the caret to the start of the display line (that is, to the first character on the current line)
    DisplayLineStartExtend Extends the selection to the start of text within a line
    DisplayLineEnd Moves the caret to the end of the display line (that is, to the last character on the current line)
    DisplayLineEndExtend Extends the selection to the end of text within a line
    DocumentStart Moves the caret to the beginning of the text
    DocumentStartExtend Extends the selection to the start of the text
    DocumentEnd Moves the caret to the end of the text
    DocumentEndExtend Extends the selection to the end of the text
    DuplicateLine Duplicates the current line
    FindAgain Locates the next instance of the find target in the same direction as the previous search
    FindNext Locates the next instance of the find target in the text
    FindPrior Locates the previous instance of the find target in the text
    HistoryNext * Displays the method, property, or type that was next accessed
    HistoryPrior * Displays the method, property, or type that was previously accessed
    InsertLineAbove Inserts a line above the current line
    InsertSyntax * Inserts the remainder of the syntax for a specified instruction
    InsertText * Inserts the associated accelerator text (for details, see "Accelerator Shortcut Keys", earlier in this chapter)
    LineStart Moves the caret to the start of the current line
    LineStartExtend Extends the selection to the start of the current line
    LineStartRectExtend Extends the rectangular selection to the start of the line
    LineStartWrap Moves the caret to the start of the visible line when wrapping is enabled
    LineStartWrapExtend Extends the selection to the start of the visible line when wrapping is enabled
    LineDown Moves the caret down one line
    LineDownExtend Extends the selection down one line
    LineDownRectExtend Extends the rectangular selection down one line
    LineEnd Moves the caret to the end of the current line
    LineEndExtend Extends the selection to the end of the current line
    LineEndRectExtend Extends the rectangular selection to the end of the line
    LineEndWrap Moves the caret to the end of the visible line when wrapping is enabled
    LineEndWrapExtend Extends the selection to the end of the visible line when wrapping is enabled
    LineUp Moves the caret up one line
    LineUpExtend Extends the selection up one line
    LineUpRectExtend Extends the rectangular selection up one line
    ListConstants * Lists the constants for the current type
    ListLocals * Lists the local variables for the current type
    ListMethods * Lists the properties for the current type
    ListProperties * Lists the methods for the current type
    ListTranslatableStrings * Lists the translatable strings
    Lowercase Converts the selected text to lowercase
    MDIWindowMenu * Displays the MDI Window menu
    NewLine Inserts a new line above the current line
    NewLineNoIndent Inserts a new line with no indentation
    NextFolderTab * Displays the next folder tab of the current sheet
    NextLinemark00 Goes to the next line with linemark zero (0)
    NextLinemarkJade Goes to the next JADE linemark
    NextLinemark01 Goes to the next line with linemark 1
    NextLinemark02 Goes to the next line with linemark 2
    NextLinemark03 Goes to the next line with linemark 3
    NextLinemark04 Goes to the next line with linemark 4
    NextLinemark00to04 Goes to the next line with a linemark in the range zero (0) through 4
    NextMdiForm * Goes to the next MDI form
    NoAction Does nothing (that is, performs no action)
    OpenClassBrowser * Displays the Class Browser
    OpenFindReplace Displays the Find / Replace dialog
    OpenHelp * Displays online help for the item with input focus
    OpenSourceWindow * Opens a new editor pane with the selected method, or when details of a property that has a mapping method are displayed after pressing F11, displays a freestanding editor pane containing the mapping method source for that property
    PageDown Moves the caret down one screen
    PageDownExtend Extends the selection down one screen
    PageDownRectExtend Extends the rectangular selection down one screen
    PageUp Moves the caret up one screen
    PageUpExtend Extends the selection up one screen
    PageUpRectExtend Extends the selection block up one screen
    ParagraphDown Moves the caret to the next paragraph (which is delimited by an empty line)
    ParagraphDownExtend Extends the selection down one paragraph
    ParagraphUp Moves the caret to the previous paragraph (which is delimited by an empty line)
    ParagraphUpExtend Extends the selection up one paragraph
    Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard, replacing the selection (if any) or inserting it after the caret position
    PasteFromClipBuffer Pastes the contents of the specified clip buffer defined by the next numeric keystroke, replacing the selection (if any) or inserting it after the caret position
    PriorFolderTab * Displays the previous folder tab
    PriorLinemark00 Goes to the previous line with linemark zero (0)
    PriorLinemarkJade Goes to the previous JADE linemark
    PriorLinemark01 Goes to the previous line with linemark 1
    PriorLinemark02 Goes to the previous line with linemark 2
    PriorLinemark03 Goes to the previous line with linemark 3
    PriorLinemark04 Goes to the previous line with linemark 4
    PriorLinemark00to04 Goes to the previous line with a linemark in the range zero (0) through 4
    PriorMdiForm * Displays the previous MDI form
    Redo Redoes the last action
    RollDown Moves the text displayed in the editor down by one line, but the caret remains on the same line
    RollUp Moves the text displayed in the editor up by one line, but the caret remains on the same line
    SelectAll Selects all text in the editor pane
    ShowMethodSignature * Displays the signature of the last method before the caret position; for example, when the caret is positioned after a comma between parameters
    ShowSymbolInfo * Displays details about the item under the caret
    SplitOpenClose * Toggles (opens or closes) the lower view of an editor pane
    SplitOpenRefocus * Opens the lower view of an editor pane or toggles focus between the two views
    Tab Indents the selected line or lines, replaces selected text with a tab character for a partially selected line, or inserts a tab character if no text is selected
    ToggleBreakpoint * Toggles a debugger breakpoint on the line where the caret is currently positioned
    ToggleFold Toggles the fold point
    ToggleFoldAllBase Toggles all outer (parent) fold points
    ToggleFoldTree Toggles the line if it is a fold point and makes all lower-level (child) fold points match
    ToggleInsertOvertype Toggles the Insert or Overtype mode
    ToggleLinemark00 Toggles linemark zero (0) on the current line
    ToggleLinemarkJade Toggles the JADE linemark on the current line
    ToggleLinemark01 Toggles linemark 1 on the current line
    ToggleLinemark02 Toggles linemark 2 on the current line
    ToggleLinemark03 Toggles linemark 3 on the current line
    ToggleLinemark04 Toggles linemark 4 on the current line
    ToggleSingleColor * Toggles the display of multiple-color or single color for the current editor pane
    TransposeLine Transposes the current line with the previous line
    TranslateHexToUtf8 Translates the selected hexadecimal text to a character (Unicode system only)
    TranslateUtf8ToHex Translates the selected character to its Unicode hexadecimal value (Unicode system only)
    Undo Undoes the last action
    Uppercase Converts the selected text to uppercase
    WindowMenu * Displays the Window menu
    WordLeft Moves the caret to the previous word
    WordLeftExtend Extends the selection to the previous word
    WordPartLeft Moves the caret position to the previous uppercase letter or punctuation character
    WordPartLeftExtend Extends the selection to the previous uppercase letter or punctuation character
    WordPartRight Moves the caret position to the next uppercase letter or punctuation character
    WordPartRightExtend Extends the selection to the next uppercase letter or punctuation character
    WordRight Moves the caret to the next word
    WordRightExtend Extends the selection to the next word
    ZoomZero Restores text size to normal
    ZoomIn Magnifies the text size
    ZoomOut Reduces the text size
  2. To add a new keystroke binding:

    1. Click in the Key combination text box so that it has focus.

    2. Press the shortcut key or shortcut key combination (for example, CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+H) that you want to bind to an editor action.

    3. In the Action combo box, select the editor action that you want to bind to the key combination. When you override a default key binding, you can no longer use the key combination for its original purpose. For example, pressing CTRL+S inserts JADE syntax at the caret position.

      If you assign CTRL+S to a new editor action, you cannot insert syntax by pressing CTRL+S unless you restore the default key binding by removing the key binding that you assigned to another action. For details, see step 3 of this instruction.

    4. Click the Add button.

  3. To delete a keystroke binding:

    1. In the Key binding table, select the user-defined key binding that you want to remove; that is, a key binding highlighted with a light green background.

    2. Click the Delete button. The selected key binding is then removed from the table.

      As you cannot delete a JADE default key binding (indicated by a white background in the Key binding table row), the Delete button is disabled if a user-defined key binding is not selected (indicated by a light green background in the Key binding table row).

  4. To change a default key binding action to none, press the binding shortcut keys in the Key combination text box and then select the NoAction list item in the Action combo box.

  5. To toggle the default F5 and F9 accelerator key functions, check the Swap F5 (Toggle Breakpoint) and F9 (Execute/Continue) accelerators check box. This check box is unchecked by default; that is, the F5 accelerator key causes break points to be toggled and the F9 accelerator key executes or debugs a script method and continues execution of the JADE debugger.

    Visual Studio uses the F9 key to set breakpoints, by default, and uses the F5 key to run and continue debug execution. JADE uses the F5 key to set breakpoints and the F9 key to run and continue debug execution. Switching between the two development environments can lead to confusion and frustration when using the F5 and F9 keys.

    If you check this check box, the menu caption and accelerator key for the Jade debugger Breakpoints menu Toggle command is changed to be triggered by the F9 key. In addition, the JADE development environment Jade menu Execute, Debug, Unit Test, and Unit Test Debug commands and the JADE debugger Debug menu Continue and Animate commands will be changed to use the F5 key.

    The setting of the check box is saved when you extract your user preferences to a file and they are restored when your reload your preferences.

    Changing the setting of the check box takes effect in the JADE development environment as soon as you close the Preferences dialog. It will not take effect within any currently active JADE debug session, and it is read only when you initiate a new debug session.