Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 15 - Using the Relational Population Service (RPS) Wizard > Using the RPS Relational Menu

Using the RPS Relational Menu

The Relational Population Service Browser provides the Relational menu, to enable you to maintain your RPS mappings.

The Relational menu contains the commands listed in the following table.

Command For details, see … Action
Add Adding an RPS Mapping Displays the Relational Population Service wizard, to enable you to add a new RPS mapping
Remove Removing an RPS Mapping Deletes the selected RPS mapping
Change Changing an RPS Mapping Displays the Relational Population Service wizard, to enable you to maintain the selected RPS mapping
Print Printing an RPS Mapping Outputs the selected RPS mapping to the printer
Extract Extracting an RPS Mapping Extracts the selected RPS mapping
Load Loading an RPS Mapping Loads an RPS mapping from a file
Create Jcf Creating an Exclude Command File Creates an exclude command file for the selected RPS mapping

For details, see the following sections.