Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 15 - Using the Relational Population Service (RPS) Wizard > Printing an RPS Mapping

Printing an RPS Mapping

From the Relational Population Service Browser, the Print command from the Relational menu enables you to output information about the currently selected RPS mapping to your printer, your workstation monitor, or to a rich text format (.rtf) file.

To print your RPS mapping

  1. In the Relational Population Service Browser, select the RPS mapping that you want to print.

  2. Select the Print command from the Relational menu. The Print RPS Mapping dialog, shown in the following diagram, is then displayed.

  3. In the Print Option group box, select the Print Preview option button to see a preview of your print output on your workstation monitor or select the RTF File option button to direct your print output to a rich text format (.rtf) file.

    By default, output is directed to your default printer.

  4. Click the Print Setup button to change the printer to which output is directed and to change print setup details, if required. Print setup details are retained for subsequent print requests.

  5. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

The Printing progress dialog is then displayed. (You can click the Cancel button from the Printing progress dialog to cancel your print request.)

Your print output contains details of your RPS mapping, and details of each of the RPS mapping tables and their columns.