Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 11 - Internationalization > Using the String Browser

Using the String Browser

To browse a string for a selected locale

  1. Select the appropriate locale from the Base Locale combo box.

  2. To maintain an existing string, select the required string from the list. The selected string is then displayed in the editor pane at the right of the String Browser, to enable you to view or modify it. Alternatively, specify the name of the string in the Search text box. The value specified in this text box acts as the starting key to locate an available string in the current schema.

  3. If you want to perform a wildcard search, check the *.* check box at the upper right of the Search text box and then press ENTER. All translatable strings in the current schema that contain the text specified in the Search text box in its name are then displayed in the list box of translatable strings at the lower left of the String Browser.

    The search is case-insensitive.

  4. To display the value of the same translatable string in another locale, select the required locale from the Alternate Locale combo box. The selected string for the alternate locale is then displayed in the editor pane at the lower left of the String Browser.

To modify the value of a translatable string an alternate locale, you must select that base locale in the Base Locale combo box so that its definition and value are displayed in the updateable pane at the upper left of the String Browser.

The String Browser contains buttons that enable you to perform the actions listed in the following table.

Button Action
Add Displays the Add String dialog
Remove Deletes the selected string from all locales, after prompting you to confirm that the selected string is to be deleted
Save Saves changes made in the editor pane of the String Browser to the string
Close Closes the String Browser
Help Accesses the online help topic that describes using the String Browser

The Add and Remove buttons are not displayed on the String Browser when you access it from the Jade Translator program.

For details about translatable strings, see "Adding Strings", later in this chapter. See also "Removing a Schema Element", in Chapter 3.

In addition, when the String Browser has focus, you can use the Search menu commands listed in the following table to perform search actions.

Command Displays the… For details, see …
Find Text Search Strings dialog Searching for Text in Existing Strings
All References References Browser Viewing References to a String
String References String Usages window Searching for Strings that Reference the Current String