Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 11 - Internationalization > Viewing References to a String

Viewing References to a String

The References Browser enables you to view all references to the string selected in the String Browser.

To view all references to the selected string

  1. Select the All References command from the Search menu.

    If there are no references to the selected string in the current schema, the following message is displayed in the status line of the String Browser and in a warning message box.

    There are no references to <name-of-your-selected-string>

    If references to your selected string are located in the current schema, the References Browser for the selected string is then displayed, as shown in the following diagram.

  2. In the Methods List at the top of the window, select the method whose reference to the selected string you want to view.

The selected method is then displayed in the editor pane, with the string highlighted. You can maintain and compile methods displayed in the References window, if required.