Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Upgrading Collections (PAR 63704)

Upgrading Collections (PAR 63704)

In earlier releases, some collection meta data was not updated correctly during the upgrade process, which affected the membership size of a collections other than primitive Arrays, and the keys of external key dictionaries. The incorrect meta data did not cause errors when the collections were used, but could cause unnecessary reorganizations and the disk utilization of collection blocks were not optimal, which could result in larger files that contained a lot of large collections.

You can correct the meta data in a system that has already been upgraded, by running the following jadclient non‑GUI client application.

bin\jadclient.exe path=xxx\system ini=xxx\jade.ini server=SingleUser schema=RootSchema app=RootSchemaApp executeClass=JadeUpgradeAdmin executeMethod=upgrade_Generate_Coll_ABEs