Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Monitoring your Active Process Using JADE Sentinel

Monitoring your Active Process Using JADE Sentinel

JADE now provides JADE Sentinel (jadesentinel.exe), which monitors your active process. If, for any reason, a fault or problem occurs in this active process, JADE Sentinel takes a diagnostic copy in case the main process is unable to do so itself. No matter what happened to the process, JADE Sentinel ensures that you still get all of the information you need.

The jadesentinel.exe is started by any JADE‑built or supplied executable. It is a small executable that links to jomos.dll, in which all of the work occurs. It runs as a debugger attached to its parent process, looks for specific exceptions, performs out‑of‑process process dumps, and terminates the program, as appropriate.

The jadesentinel.exe is started automatically when the JADE‑built executable starts. If it is necessary to start jadesentinel.exe manually, it has the following command line syntax.

jadesentinel.exe pid=pid ini=path\jade‑initialization-name [prefix=executable‑name]

The pid value specifies the process identifier of the process to monitor (that is, the parent process), the ini value specifies the path and name of the JADE initialization file, and the optional prefix value specifies the prefix to put on the dump file (for example, jadrap, jade, jadload, and so on).

The [FaultHandling] section of the JADE initialization file contains the following parameter.


The EnableSentinel parameter, which is true by default, is read when a JADE executable starts up. This controls starting the jadesentinel.exe program that monitors the executing parent, and when required to do so, does a process dump. (Process dumps are output to the directory specified in the ProcessDumpDirectory parameter of the [FaultHandling] section of the JADE initialization file.)

The JADE initialization file now contains the [JadeSentinel] section, which provides the following parameter.


The ExcludeDiskCache parameter, which is true by default, is read when the process dump is about to occur, to exclude disk cache from the process dump.

You should set these values to false only when requested to do so by JADE Support.